life is beautiful

Friday, December 02, 2005

i sort of feel obliged to blog as i've been writing blogs in my head all day and so.. well yeah. that's mostl 'cause I haven't spoken to anyone more than the generic
"er.. a cheese and ham/sugar and lemon/nutella/hot dog please" [NOTE: people rarely ask for all of these in the same crepe. though I wouldn't be surprised]
"are you from france?"
"oh. [pause] where are you from?"

and that's about it. fun. I do ry to make conversation but it gets a bit dull when you know they give far more of a damn about the mixture of eggs, flour, salt and water that you're about to hand them than they do about you.
PLUS I had an absoluely horrid and nasty girlto serve today that left me eeling terible for a good few hours.. [or it would have been without a certain something that i'll mention later]. she's one of those bloody people who treat you like you're insultin them drasitcally by trying to serve them some food and..
oh i won't go in to it. it's not that bad, i'm overreacting, I know it, it just was.. not so nice. I can deal with the drunk guys who shout, because I know they're drunk, but the people who obviousl believ i'm stupid and incompetent generally leave me wobbly 'cause they can convince me they're right.
BUT luckily something fabuoso came to my rescue.. and it and it's ..companions left m feeing great for the res of the day. I speak of course of the best album in the world.
you probably know what the bst album in the world is,but yours probably differs from mine (unless you're charl maybe).. mine is a little nugget of fashion and absolute joy. I've decided that th best invention in the world ever was the speaker system. where would we b without it?
anyay.. i'm going to cut this short and just add a few other observations of the day:
1) it is so totally nice and lovely to be contacted by someone "out of the blue", not just a reply from something, but a seemingly "random", for want o better word, contact, with no real presedent or reason than contact.. it shows someone's thinking about you and it's nice. so thankyou to people who've done that to me, it makes me happy :)
2)I am so horribly not as thin as i was.. hardly any of my clothes fit and.. ohh i hate it. I don't like to be vain or always going on about it, but I like to be healthy :( silly crepes (Ichoose to blame them)
OHh I can't be bothered to bore people with rubbish any longer, i'm off. i'm trying to decide whther or not to go to the late night showing of wallace and gromit tonight. you vote, if you think yes, text wrthglixYES to 05678747386
if you think no, text gringliksiNO to 9543229543. texts cost 50p per mili-letter, only under sixeens and people with 2years experience need apply
[sorry about bad typing. t's the keyboard, honest!]



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