life is beautiful

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

falle os ni gyd yn gwaeddu, bydd rhywyn yn clywed the great Gorki's Zygotig Mynci lyrics go.
just a little info, i suppose..
what's going on at the moment is Tony Blair is being an idiot, he's trying to expand britain's nuclear industry, increasing the amout of dangerous, carcenogenic toxic waste that will be produced, waste that lasts for least 240,000years. that's a number we can't even think about. and some already exists and hs been existing for a "long time". but think even if it had been around for 100 years, which it hasn't, that's just a mere 239,900 years left. and even then it won't be gone completely. It causes cancer and deformity in unborn children, it is HORRIBLE and NASTY. (but don't let me influence your view). Plus, 20 years ago, 3 months after charl was born, three before Kath and 6 before I was born, a great powerstation in Chernobil in Belarus had a nasty accident. It caused a great many deaths at the time and people are still suffering horribly and dying from the effects today and will do tomorrow. Had the accident been dealt with less well, the whole of europe would now be uninhabitable. that means no you, no me, no other friends and parents and family and teachers and colleagues and rather nice ice skating young men..
urgh. it's not a nice thing, nuclear power. people say it can replace fossil fules and ave the ozone layer in some way. like hell it can. it still uses fsilfules, admittedly less of them than coal, gas, oil, etc energy, but still, no "perfect solution". and it will cost more. and it's stupid.
urgh, sorry to be so negative, i don't like preaching at all, to my friends least of all, but I just really really want to live to be old. charl says that lots of things have predicted some kind of appocralypse in 2012, and I'm certain it will be nuclear. that may be nuclear weapons, but as long as there are power stations, there's the chance of making weapons.
really, this is just selfishness to the extreme. I don't want to die and I don't want my friends to die. I want to keep having fun and to grow old and be annoying and not to have to chain myself to fences 'cause there are no fences that need people to chain themselves to them.
though a bit of fence-chaining is always kinda fun.
anyway.. erm.. that's all.
still, I miss everyone lots and lots. see you all soonish though. maybe. stay happy and sweet.


Blogger Inti said...

oooo..... yum...
how i love reading ur blogs ... theyre allways so nice and ... interesting ... and thought provoking ...

love you

November 30, 2005 8:45 pm

Blogger Emilie said...


thanks! :)

December 15, 2005 5:14 pm


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