life is beautiful

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

arghhhh... too much...
w/e with charl was nice. don't really need to say much about what we did 'cause we didn't really do much.
some words to sum it all up. some are connected but not in the right order just to make life fun:
naughty, pinacolada, bear ( ;) ) photographs, GAY!, crepes, underwear, charity, skating, cold, ice, shopping, lists, whisky, watching, dark,
humm.. sure there are more words.
anyway, after charl left.. i went to see david rovics play. it was lovely to hear him but the whole thing left me feeling really awfully awful.. totally rubbish, remembering going to see him last time, all my plans, i thought i'd do cool things know.. save the planet a bit, but i've done absolutely nothing of any value to anyone as far as I can tell. not in any really useful way anyway. and I don't really know if I can.. urhg. I just want to.. well do things. like beat tony blair around the face for his stupid stupid horible stupid idea of replacing the nuclear power stations. he's stupid and has no brain and should be made to sit in a bucket of old rotting herrings for the rest of eternity. stupid horrible man. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
BUT the one nice thing about monday night.. apart from actually hearing david rovics play was... he remembered me!! I was so well chuffed. AND he said I looked like an elf. otherwise I talked absolute rubbish to him, as you do with your heroes, and left feeling horribly embarrassed and stupid (must have been the heat or aire... or other outside factors) but still.. I wish i had interesting things to say or could actually talk to people.
ohhh... and his music is nice :)
humm... not really anything else, except I think I mamaged to miss an 'appointment' with rebeca tonight, so i'm feeling quite guilty about that too. and i'm going to pizza hut with aline, which is part of the pepsico company which supports George BUsh, so is horrid and should be avoided. buggerr. the world will go to hell and it's all my fault..
heh i know that's not true. i don't want any contradictory comments either, this is stuff bubbling in my head needing to be let out
TONY BLAIR SMELLS and i hate him. you know, if they hadn't built a massive concrete wall to stop the seccond explosion at chernobil 20years ago, the whole of europe would be uninhabitable. that's how totally stupid and horrible nuclear power is. yuck yuck yuck. and that's just the power stations, don't forget the bombs. just look at photos of hiroshima and nagasaki.. 100,000s dead from teensy little ones..
i think i'll say some more coherently when i'm not off to kill things by socialising. I shall have to switch my brain off for the night to stop myself from bashing me round the head for being so silly.
tony blair smellssssssss
herrings, herrings, herrings they're cheap and they're...delicious..
(heh, Mr Scruff in manchester next week, don't forget guys)
PS i'm coming home in less than 2 weeks!!! :) :)


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