life is beautiful

Friday, November 11, 2005

yes yes, I'm conscious that I'm blogging every day again, but I have few people to talk to so mucst relate my day to day antics somewhere or I'll doubt that they even hppened (everyone needs someone to tell about their day.. even if it's themselves)
boy am I profound.
anyway, there was some news. but I seem to have forgotten it. well, i'm 7.5hours through my 13hoursworking day, hooray. i've been 'turning' (ie. making) crepes all day, which is fun, i've eaten far too many and so remain sillily un-thin. i'm learnign to live with it though, i sort of feel tired of skinny people, as we decied over the summer in edinburgh, you tend o find that larger people are more friendly. though i know that's not exclusively true, many of my friends are not what I could call 'larger' but are, as has already been established, some of the best people in the world. but anyway, as I said, i don't really mind being not skinny, it's just a couple of things that make me want to not be as i am, which are I want to fit into my long brown skirt again, just because it was such a nice feeling when I did, and also, so many people reacted positivly when I lost weight last autumn that it seems as if I should do so again. hmm, sciety is annoyyinng. and i don't want any comments about my size or weight either way, please, that's not the point.
humm anyway, forgetting that previous ramble..
i spet the day with another bunch of fundraisers round my caravan oday, which was nice, and I got to do more flirting with the two younger men, who both had awful hair and were... well boys, but still, it was someone to talk to. and i'm being convinced that doing the fundraising thing would be kind of cool, you get minimum of £204 a week PLUS accommoation and transport, which is amasing, seeing as I'm currently geting about £90 a week and paying rent out of that. i love the team idea, and the travelling and stuff, but i don't know whether my heart would be in it.. the guy I spoke to today said they can earn about £1400 for the charity per month, BUT you can earn about £1000 for yourself per month, meaning, I suppose, that you're only getting £400for the charity MAX.. i really don't understand it and wouldn't be able to account for it if I was doing such work. and i'd much prefer to travel eurpoe than the UK, though it would give me a better grasp of the geography of the country. and i don't want to travel alone...
another comment I had: erm. oh yes, there was a nice girl fundraising today too, she was funny and friendly to watch and I wanted to talk to her, but didn't really get a chance, but she reminded me of ella lots, which was sort of nice, 'cause ella's nice. heh. and on the subject of girls, there was this spanish girl who came to look at our flat the other day and, boy, was she good looking.. i promise i'm meaning to go straight, but she was really sort of pretty in a non conventional sort of way, and (oddly enough - honestly oddly enough) reminded me of joshuaro a bit.. hummmm. spanish girls do seems to be pretty though. but not as pretty as certain welsh girls obvously.
well, while i'm ramblong and not making iny sense, I might as well unlode some of my annoyance about buce too. he's really pissing me off at the moment, not his fault really, more mine, but he just can't take a hint. he needs to talk and i'm not patient enough to put up with it. i probably would be if it was needs to talk about his life or problems or something, but he just tells me about how he burns himself at work or twice about how he went to london and couldn't find the bank. and if I try to hint that i want to phone someone by.. say.. putting the reciever to my ear, he just KEEPS talking, and if I say, 'i'm going to make some food', he KEEPS talking. ohhh, i'm just not a good enough person to deal with it and have to resort to hiding in my room because if I stay in the kitchen I have to be horribly rude and keep my back to him or hide behind a book to stop he talking to me. (charl if you read this at all, it's not tentpolage, just annoying personige). grr. so now i sound quite insensitive and horrible. hooray, but it's true, i just can't spend hours, literally, listening to the same things, really really pessimistic things too. and he's in some kind of debt. I JUST CAN'T DEAL WITH IT on top of other things - like trying to look polite and interested as he explains about his pizza hut hours, while i'm desperate to run away and hide in my room with a sheet over my head because it's getting dark again. and then i feel bad because i can't put up with him, and he's a human being too and deserves people to listen to him and all that, but i just can't do it..
bugger. maybe i should just get bruce a blog, nothing he writes could be much more rubbish than what i'm doing. heh.
erm.. was there anything else. i'm sure this is very long, again i'm hoping no one will read it (then why do i put it here and not just save it on my computer where no one can read? i honestly don't know). ohh i should be looking for christmas jobs in aber, and emailing kit, and writing a piece for heddwch for mum, and a motivation letter for jill evans, but it's 8.30 and i'm working again at 10 and maybe i'll just go home for un peu de detendre
*sigh*, life is SO hard..
fairy cakes


Blogger Emilie said...

a)yes, bad typing, sorry, it annoys me too but i can't be bothered to change it
b)not meant to sound pessimistic. life is good, really, it's just nice to have some sort of open place to moan a bit. next time i'll try to blog about lots of nice things that have happened because there have been some. and now i've unloaded moans i'lll be generally happier too.
i do wish i could stop rambling so though.
righty, hoe (tee hee)
huv and luggs

November 11, 2005 8:29 pm

Blogger Charlotta said...

Yeah I love blogs. It is very theraputic to write. hence my e-mails. It's not the reading of them that counts, although that is nice for the readers, but it does have more benifit for the writers, I think.

Remember what we discussed in affleck's palace, on the stairs?

haha. maybe that's vague...

tough. (-:=
hmm. have spontaneous fun. join a club. become a cocaine addict, whatever. just have a jolly time.

November 12, 2005 4:25 pm

Blogger Inti said...


remember... "dont do drugs" ;)


November 14, 2005 2:07 pm


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