life is beautiful

Monday, October 17, 2005


ohhhhhhh i'm happy! i've been working again, which was kind of crap, and my silly red face has returned for its own mysterious reasons - and now I have less hair to hide behind than I did before, so I'm just trying to keep out of people's ways and not scare too many children - but I'm still pretty darn happyy. I spent about 2 hours talking to ralph last night and.. some time talking to charlosaint today, costing me a combined amount of £16.49 or thereabouts.. but it was damn worth it. and I got my card from charl this morning, which sort o made me cry quite a lot.. all day at intervals acually.. heh.. but in a very very very nice way and I'm feeling all loved and happy and not a little unworthy [note intentional use of litotes;)], but grateful and happy. wooo. and having talked to charl she sounds happy too, so that's nice and it makes me happy. hahaha.other than that, people here are being strange and scary. it was like the land of the living dead the other day, full moon, I was working on saturday night and all my drunken customers (whom I love so much)were just strange, it's hard to explain why exactly.. but I got quite unnerved to say the least. and one of my flatmates is being a bit of a wump to be frank, the others bitches - I'm so fed up of hypocryts and bitches (not as in hoes/bitches/pimps, bitches as in people who bitch) and, being absolutely aware that here I am bitching and therefore making myself a hypocryt, there's no news there, I might just say I wish people could just like each other propperly and not be nasty about their friends behind their backs. but then I remember I'm used to living with and around some of the best people in the world so maybe I'm just spoilt. or they're just primitive apes here, I don't know. edinburgh's nice really, I'm sure there are loads of really nice people, but I expect that not all of them are business students.. which is pretty much all I meet at the moment. literally. appart from rebeca who is an artist and kind of like a female older spanish version of kit. hehe. she's nice and I'm going to try to teach her the saxophone a bit if she ever speaks to me again :s . I like artists. and musicians. and people who don't choose to spend 4 years learning about business. I like some people who do (aline is really very very nice), but.. well, creativity and variation is much funner and better for the health.
righto that'll do for now, I'm spending SO much money on communication at the moment it's terrible. I should be saving up to go to italy - then wales! woo - I'll see you all in the first week of november if I can. and will sleep on the streets of llandovery if I must... hahahah funny.
(I've forgotten the other thing I was meant to include, ralph, sorry.. I wrote 'imps' on my hand but I think that was distraction.. and the others look a little contrived d they not? dear me.)
happy happy happy days to everyone
it's so nice to wrie a blog being happy. woo!!

"and god spake and he said 'Let All The Best People In The World Be Placed In And Around A Small Town In Wales That No One's Heard Of - Just For A Laugh - And May Their Friends Be Very Lucky'"
you're all great and nice and fabulous and I miss you lots and lots


Blogger David said...

Hey, Jerome!!! Long time no hear man! It's good to see you're still keeping in touch. How's your varicose ulcer? I hope it's not causing you too much grief, mate. If it is causing you discomfort, I personally think you're being a bit of a whump. You should get it sorted out. From past experience I'd recommend a good dose of the ''slap in the head, WISE THE HELL UP!!'' treatment. Funnily enough, it involves me SLAPPING YOU IN THE HEAD and telling you to WISE UP!!!!
Gosh, that turned a little bit sinister, didn't it?

October 17, 2005 8:39 pm

Blogger David said...

Oh, and...very subtle, Emily, by the way (Almost as subtle as a flourescent balaclava). Your next challenge will follow soon....

October 17, 2005 8:41 pm

Blogger Emilie said...

hahahaha. you make me laugh master ralph. in a good way ;)

October 18, 2005 4:33 pm


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