life is beautiful

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

emily gets all emotional and sentimental

dear god (exclaims the athiest/agnostic) my friends are some of the most beautiful, talented, kind, inteligent and fabulous people I've ever met or could ever imagine. I am quite overwhelmed by the qualities of such a small group of people from such a small area, coming together 'by chance' as it were.
My view, it could be said, is 'tinted', tainted, biased, bent.Here I am speaking of my friends, if I did not find them wonderful, what sort of a person would I be? But I truly believe that this is not just the warped view of a caring mind, of our little llandovery clan, stretching far and wide, and I include and exclude no specifics as that would be unfair, and by not being 'one of our crowd' does not mean you are not my friend, beautiful, talented, lovely etc. I realise I am on thin ice here, that it can matter what I say, that I could offend, and for any inconvenience caused or offence committed/created I appologise, it is unintentional, but I only wish to sing the praise of those whom I love. The particular reaiseation came to me yesterday as we were sitting at the table at beth's farewell meal. Jenna Bishop said 'Beth, none of your friends smoke', and it is true. I am, here, referring to cigarettes and inoring any other forms of substance inhilation/consumption, and I am allowin for some occasional incongruities, mainly dending on how wide you choos to stretch the 'circle' of friends, but those closest to me do not smoke, those who were present last night - my particular favourites, might I add, with the exception of Ralph, Amy, (and here I fear I may forget others by absolute mistake) and Danny and Joe perhaps,were present from the llandovery lot at least, from the pantycelyn group, the carmarthenshire clan - were non smokers. 'an intelligent lot' I thought. I remember the list of results I recorded on the 19th of august. showing them to charl and agreeing with her comment on how clever our friends are - there was not even a D amongst the letters - and looking at those who I've seen recently, and at the photos that charl and I pored though last night, you, or perhaps I may say we, are a gorgeous bunch, with no exceptions. having lived in a city for six weeks, having seen the dirty filthy people who live there (tee hee, only joking) it makes me realise how beautiful and attractive my friends are. Here, I believe, I can exclude no one I would count as my friend from wales (and others I would not count as friends), those of my age at least, though by doing so it feels s if I bring down the barrier and credibility of th statement, but no. you're all gorgeous, quite equally in your attractiveness, ability-wise, looks-wise, intelligence, funnyness, niceness or personality-wise. the positive adjectives seem poor and inadequate and I feel I am beig over zealous and incredible, that my enthusiasm is somehow degrading what I say. dammit, why can I not put into words that which I wish to. I suppose really what I want to say is I love you all so dearly and it rips my heart out to be leaving, that this time has gone. again this sounds dramatic, the sentimental rant of a romantic. maybe it is.
I have also realised that these last months since february have been so fabulous, the number of parties, the chances to see certain people every day, every week, have been so great, so lucky so almost perfect(in retrospect, that is; their perfection lies in imperfection, that there were times when all was not right is only natural)
this is long emotional and poorly typed. it says things which must be said in a soppy and not quite meaningful enough way. I shall miss you terribly, we shall not lose contact but things will not be the same. it is for the best as is everything that happens when nothing else can be done, but still, it is sad this must end.
i'll miss ya, luv ya lots etc. i hope i'll have time to sa a propper goodbye to everyone before I/you leave. *you used in plural sense. damn the english pronouns!*


Blogger David said...

we all love you too

September 14, 2005 10:04 pm

Blogger David said...

i think we should all be honoured due to how extremely sexy we all are. i mean, come on! oooh errrr, mysteries makes my ears scratchedy.

September 17, 2005 5:15 pm


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