life is beautiful

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Well, excluding the next twelve months, I've got my life sorted now! I'm going to edinburgh uni in september 2006 to study english literature and language and another subject of my choice, and I'm so chuffed! it was the open day today, and I fell in love with the place all over again. Glasgow open day yesterday was full of well..glaswegians. I'm sure they're nice enough but they seemed a little exclusive. edinburgh was full of lots of different people, and I even met some welsh people that I didn't already know! I thought I'd go and ask the admissions if they'd take me this year because it would make life so much easier, but they said they were completely full, so I played my domestic problems card and they were really nice and gave me a letter telling me I have a confirmed place in ed uni in 2006, so I went away pleased. I'm forfiting my theatre studies dream, but there's plenty of theatre stuff going on here so I'm sure I'll survive. I spent the day clutching my letter and inwardly sniggering at the other prospective students, some of whom would give so much to have such a letter! and apparently ed uni is rather hard to get into, so I'm well chuffed too! I just can't wait till next year. But I'll have to. in the meantime I'm going to look at a flat with one of my temporary flatmates Aline tonight soon. that's it.
--still rather bland in style I know, but as I don't talk to people much I'm tending just to use this as an outlet for my daily stuff to say. so... yeah..__


Blogger David said...

rock on my friend! you've got the style! i want to hear some scoatish jargon from ye, achhh! since you failed me on the piratey front...
i may have to come up an have a wee jig an a drammie with ye! GET IT UP YE!!! If you see a certain Simon Neil from Biffy Clyro on your travels, give him a slap on the ass from me.

September 06, 2005 8:21 pm

Blogger Emilie said...

will do so, sir.
and by the way, the cobbles on the high street in edinburgh - on a scale of cobbliness - are about 6/7 max.
I improve, do I not?

currently in a desperate and tense state of tention over a possible flat with much competition. :( cross your fingers for me please everyone

September 09, 2005 2:13 pm

Blogger David said...

Ahaaa, you have indeed improved greatly my wise cobbler. but why out of 7? are you just trying to be an unorthadox cobbler? was that 6 out of 7, or 6/7 out of 10. you dont specify. us cobblers must be harsh on ourselves, you know.
ooooh good luck with the flat. i shall cross all possible limbs without causing circulation problems. ooooh errr. oh yeah, remember to look out for red and white socks. otherwise your adventures will have been in vain...

September 09, 2005 9:50 pm

Blogger Emilie said...

aah.. it was 6/7 out of ten - I am not yet experieced enough to try these unorthodox and unusual rating methods - but in time.. in time...

September 10, 2005 1:32 pm

Blogger Emilie said...

WELL actually on reflection I bring the rating down to five. I walked down high street again last night and there is a distinct amount of concrete-filling in and tarmac patching in the road where the cobbles are so.. they are less cobbly than I recalled. they're nice ones though.
stand by for more edinburgh cobble-ratings (in a week or so though)

September 12, 2005 1:41 pm


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