life is beautiful

Saturday, September 03, 2005


is this going to be a mistake? I'm feeling a little... detached from the world down there in wales, I'm sure if I came back I'd find it heart wrenchingly difficult to leave there again. this here city life is so weird and busy it's quite easy to forget what's all the lovelinessness down in dear cymru. I heard some people with welsh accents the other day.. ooh how fantastique.
it looks most lightly I won't be coming home on the 7th though. I think that I'm going to be needed at work more than ever as eszer's going and lolo (a permanent worker) is on three weeks' holiday. being able to stay might give me the chance to get that week's wages that have gone missing, back. I don't know. I think it's the fear that going home would be too much and I really wouldn't want to come back up here again. if I get a flat and a job, then get a week or so's holiday to 'home' it'll be more reason to bring me back here. god knows why I'm doing it. I have no friends here, no certain job, nowhere to live.. but it just feels right somehow.
but how I miss you all! I will come home and visit as soon as is possibly possible. provided I can get somewhere to stay in wales..
anyway.. once I do have my own flatshared room, I will have my very own room with my very own floor for my very own friends to sleep on if they ever wish to come up and visit. it's only about £20 train if you book long enough in advance.
anyway I must be off and look for work and flats.
erm.. yeah. see you all sometime. if I'm not back on the 7th, then I'll be at the reunion at mikey C's in spirit on the 10th. anyway, it's not a proper reunion without someone having disappeared, right?


Blogger David said...

go for it my friend. it's something that should be done if it feels right to you. you'll love it. once you get yourself settled up there, it'd be much easier to come back to wales i agree. i'll give you a ring one of he nights. (of the telephone variety)

September 04, 2005 5:30 pm


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