life is beautiful

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I'm rather embarassingly out of practice of going to parties. I went to bed at only 2 last night and I'm absolutely out-of-it tired today. there was a time when I could get to bed at five, be up for school the next day, mpyt the next night, band... etc and still be relatively alive. AND i've got a sore throat. bugger.
heh, the party last night was amusing of dull. it started with going to Alex' boyfriend's flat which contained, as well as alex, me, laurence (alex's b/f) two french guys, a quiet french girl and a german girl called catrin. I ended up chatting in the normal 'it's getting dull' way to catrin because the others were talking in french all the time. then we left to go to the party - 45 mins walk which was nice, and Alex and Catrin and I talked about things on the way while the others continued in french. Then we got to the 'flat party' which was really a house party and was utterly unremarkable except that everyone there was french except for me, catrin and later a scottish girl and a scottish guy turned up, neigher of whom I spoke to really. infact, being me, I didn't really speak to anyone for the about an hour and a half I was there. I got spoken to a bit by french guys - was 'chatted up' 'come on to' or some such phrase (i'm unaware of the exact meaning of such collocations) but anyway he kept touching my arms/back and telling me I should join his water polo team. need I add that he was very drunk and probably would ahve chatted up a horse if it had looked at him. well.. first time it's happened to me though. interesting. and the other french people were just totally normal, except they talked in french all the time, giving me a bit of an excuse not to talk to anyone else. anyway within about two conversations I knew exactly how any other opening would go:
"where are you from?"
"what are you studying?"
"business management/computing at napier/craiglockheart campus/merchiston campus"
"what are you studying?"
"I'm not, I'm working"
"ah. where?"
"the french connection crepe stalls on lothian road/grassmarket"
"oh, the clothes shop?"
that was EXACTLY what I said to about seven people. and of course it's my fault for not trying to be original, but seeing as it was impossible to hear, they were drunk, french first language(ie. had trouble undrstanding - no racist comments intended), business/computing students and I was already a little too shocking in that I was wearing come kind of coulour that wasn't denim, I didn't really think they could cope with any kind of originality further, poor things.
I kept longing to look out the window and see a bonfire, and when I walked home smelling of smoke it was all from shop bought cigarettes..
I know these are pretty much exactly complaints that others (well, namely, charlotte) have had and I'm not saying anything new, but I've always been slow. I really don't think I could face clubbing with this bunch for the rest of the autumn. or even once. they talk of the clubs and even they think that it's a bit dull..that the music is too much the same etc. so.. oh god, I think it'd be HELL! and all the guys last night were in tracksuits (white) with gold chains round their necks, wrists and everywhere else. AARGH, I'm living with Chavs! ohhh the embarassment.
ahh well, this has made me feel a bit better to have it out anyway. I shouldn't rally post it because I don't particularly expect/need anyone to read but.. meh.
urm.. I did have something else to say but I forget. I shall go and sink firther into my lake of absolute normality into which I seem to melt every day. here, I am the same as everyone else and it's killing me, but how do you be original in a city of.. well more than 1000people? I try.
ho hum..
Miss llandovery clan more every day. very much so.


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