life is beautiful

Sunday, November 20, 2005

oh golly...

I listened to the whole of motorcade of generosity the other day, while it was getting dark, and I did go a bit wobbly, but i left it going. i'm well proud. this will mean absolutely nothing to anyone but.. well.. i'm still proud.
BUT the reason i could was because my brother gave me the most nicest nice MP3 player for a present and it's so nice and.. well nice. i so totally really completely don't deserve something so nice, but i've got it now and i'm not giving it back.
um.. that's about it really.


Blogger Charlotta said...

Emily margaret Freeman, please look at the way you're thinking ! -PLEASE don't think like that, !

A) who is to say what 'deserves' something nice and scrumptious, that's like saying "you're not worthy to live, but this person here, is"

B) Of COURSE you are!!! If anyone deserves something excrusiatingly joy-giving- whateeeever the price, then it's you. Realise this, please.

C) And I understand about the motorcade of G and autumn/ winter evenings.

Remeber you rule. (repeat throughout the day as frequently as possible please)
Be Happy. Or else. Please. Thankyou

November 21, 2005 10:48 am

Blogger Emilie said...

heh, thanks charl.
and of course, thanks amon. i much need tips on semi permanent makeup, in fact I was kep awake ALL night last night worrying about where i would find some, so now i'm SO releved that I know. phewph.

November 23, 2005 10:37 am


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