life is beautiful

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


oh joy, it's such a lovely relief to be using a PC again. I've been using a fucking Mac all day (imac actually..) and it's just so silly. where's the right mouse button? why is there no 'end' button? URGH. i hate to be so microsoft-bill gates-conventionally oriented, but give me a nice word file any day instead of a bloody apple..whatever. it just takes so much longer to get stuff done.
anyway the real reason for things is I'm off to the land of the (italics?) tomorrow. in 24hours I'll be on the plane there.. ooh er. it's going to be damn weird and I can't actually imagine or begin to think that i'll actually be there but unless i successfully make some sort of massive error - which, given my recent record of being bloody pathetically stupid, is highly likely - i'll just be there. and learn things, maybe. and.. speak italian? humm..
anyway it's scary and i'll be there for a few days, sleep on the streets of liverpool on the 31st oct,going to be in llandovery for a few seconds on the 1st nov, then to builth, then back to llandovery on the 2nd I hope, so i'll see everyone next wednesday (that's a whole week.. it doesn't feel so)

Saturday, October 22, 2005

variety is the spice of life - he world needs a change

it's about looking in the bathroom mirror every morning and asking yourself: can you live with what you see?
-mark thomas

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

the review

~~~sorry, this is my third post in as many days. it's my review for the film pride and prejudice which I wrote, like, a month ago. it's probably no good - I haven't read it since, but it was written to be published so I'll puiblish it. so there.~~
“I was on the internet within minutes registering my disgust”
(Pride and prejudice: a review)
..OK so not minutes, hours and maybe days before I can transfer this online, but it will be done. And it’s written minutes from coming back from the cinema, while I have the time, inclination and happiness to write it (yes, baby, I’m feeling good). And like a true geek, I’m sitting here at my laptop, with ready meal and coffee (well.. ready meal because I prepared it earlier and coffee being ginkgobiloba tea with milk and honey.. mmmMMmmm) Typing away late into the night.
So here it is, folks, THE pride and prejudice review:

This film is 99%perfect. To begin with here we have an oxymoron. Perfect is a superlative and therefore cannot be measured because it is a measure in itself. Now we will follow with a paradox: its 1% imperfection lies in the fact that it is perfect. Too good. There are two problems with this film’s perfection: the first is that it is TOO easy. If you like to be spoon fed Jane Austen, this film is for you, those with even a single brain cell to rub together will probably find it a teensy bit dull, but maybe I’ve just seen the other version too many times and know what is just around the corner. The second problem is that it isn’t true! Oh heartbreak. By the “Liz and Darcy stop mooning around and get down to some lovin’’ scene my ‘love-longing’ had (almost) died down because it is just too good to be true, the love, the “I couldn’t sleep” “neither could I” in stressed and near heartbroken voices on a misty moor at 5am was just too nice an idea, and too painful for a sadly romantic and hopeless girl to take.
As for the rest, the film is more than a remake of the BBC “look at Colin firth dripping wet in his underwear” version; it’s an edited clone. The company could have saved time and money by just cutting down the six hour version to two hours, seeing as the settings, costumes and even actors often resembled those of, for want of a better word, we shall call the ‘original’. Plus, as so often happens in remakes, the director has tried to be original, not by changing the book's plot in a different way, but by changing the film’s plot further, so that the audience members who were in doubt as to whether the first version followed the book faithfully leave believing that it did. Plus, of course, we have further modernisations. The women are more confident, cleverer and generally hold our modern day feminist views far more than Austen’s original characters or their counterparts would have, and therefore we as a modern day feminist audience can call ‘right on sister’ as Liz thinks up a witty and cutting remark and doesn’t think twice of uttering it to a man way above her station. The language is inevitably modernised and contracted in un-Austen-like ways so that not only are obvious plot lines emphasized to us by the close up of a single tear running from Jane’s smooth and gorgeous cheek, or of Darcy’s throbbing crotch, but the language not spoon fed but cut up and put in a blender so we can take it in through a straw. And despite the distinct and highly conspicuous lack of Mathew McFayden throwing himself in a lake and walking around dripping in his white underwear, the sexual references are rather more than modest. We have zoom in shots of pigs’ bollocks, close ups on statues’ smooth and shapely arses, and rather more pert and obvious busts than I believe would have appeared in the balls of Austen’s time (except, of course for Kiera Knightley’s which, as ever, is rather purposefully uninspiring and complimented by with some facial modifications to make her the ‘unconventionally attractive’ ordinary girl; a look that she retains for the entire film until the famous ‘get on and snog him’ scene already alluded to when, despite her sleepless confusion and longing to get off with Mr D she remembers to apply makeup before going for her frustrated morning walk in the mist).
But despite these complaints, I have to confess that it is the hopeless romantic in me that wins. I loved the film almost as much as I did Colin firth.. I mean the original five years ago. The plot, as far as I’m concerned, if not faithful to the novel, is faithful to Austen’s ideas and political commentary, the updates are only to help explain such to a modern audience. The spoon feeding became a little tiresome, but sometimes we all like a little easy nourishment, and I’m a sucker for cheap sentiment.
PLUS Mathew McFayden is knee-wobblingly, finger-lickin’ gorgeous and carries off the strong sarcasm and frustrated self-denying loving look perfectly. Swoon x100. There are plenty of nice high busts for the male or lesbian audience, some breathtaking scenery that almost makes up for Mr McFayden not throwing himself in the lake (there is even a lake supplied – I don’t know what the director was thinking!), nice music, plenty of nice little montage/slow motion scenes and, of course, the perfect love story. I think Charl would say it’s lacking in the subconscious aspect, and I think that’s the main problem. But if you’ve seen the BBC version, then all this is is that with added breasts, pigs’ balls, short dialogue… oh yes, and Olando Bloom.

**I realise this will make sense to exactly no one. Meh, at least I wrote it. I’m going for the crass reviewer style but I don’t think I’ve done it very well. PLUS between beginning to write it at half ten and now which is half midnight I’ve eaten my pre-prepared pan haggety plus the other half of the 150g bar of fruit and nut fair trade co op chocolate, drunk my ginkgobiloba with honey and soya milk tea, had a deep and revealing conversation with Aline about our respective families, got all giggly over our lemon and honey hot drinks, tried to persuade Bruce to corrupt his 14 year old sister, put up with Aline slagging off Matthew Mc Fayden because of his sideburns and ‘big long coat’ (what could be better? Swoon times 1000!) and then finally returned to finish this. SO.. a fulfilling night all round. And I’m working on Lothian Road again tomorrow morning. Hooray!
I still miss having you attractive, entertaining, intelligent and lovely people around though. There really is no one like ‘our gang’ I think. Oh well.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Plan

I have a plan and it is complicated and cunning and took me a whole minute to devise as I was walking down the street. here it is:
monday oct24th Ben comes to edinburgh
weds oct26th ben goes
thurs oct 27th I go to liverpool at 7am, arriving at midday go to airport and fly to italy at 6.15pm arriving about 11.30pm
28th - the meeting ! eek! I have to learn things and seem competent
29th see above
30th see above
31st I fly back to liverpool after exploring milan a bit. I arrive late at night and have to pay lots of money for a place to sleep
1stnov I get a train to llandrindod, watch the opening night of 'lysystrata' and maybe, if they're nice enough, stay with ellen and harry or even the fab joshuaro
2ndnov go to llandovery and maybe stay the night with some nice unsuspecting hedge
3rd nov leave llandovery and go to manchester and stay with some nice unsespecting rabbit lover
4th come back to edinburgh and hopefully earn some money.

woop. no idea if it's going to work out. I think it should do up to the returning from italy bit.. humm.
anyway, this is more for me so don't go tracking my actions or anything.
I think I'm ill.. :(

Monday, October 17, 2005


ohhhhhhh i'm happy! i've been working again, which was kind of crap, and my silly red face has returned for its own mysterious reasons - and now I have less hair to hide behind than I did before, so I'm just trying to keep out of people's ways and not scare too many children - but I'm still pretty darn happyy. I spent about 2 hours talking to ralph last night and.. some time talking to charlosaint today, costing me a combined amount of £16.49 or thereabouts.. but it was damn worth it. and I got my card from charl this morning, which sort o made me cry quite a lot.. all day at intervals acually.. heh.. but in a very very very nice way and I'm feeling all loved and happy and not a little unworthy [note intentional use of litotes;)], but grateful and happy. wooo. and having talked to charl she sounds happy too, so that's nice and it makes me happy. hahaha.other than that, people here are being strange and scary. it was like the land of the living dead the other day, full moon, I was working on saturday night and all my drunken customers (whom I love so much)were just strange, it's hard to explain why exactly.. but I got quite unnerved to say the least. and one of my flatmates is being a bit of a wump to be frank, the others bitches - I'm so fed up of hypocryts and bitches (not as in hoes/bitches/pimps, bitches as in people who bitch) and, being absolutely aware that here I am bitching and therefore making myself a hypocryt, there's no news there, I might just say I wish people could just like each other propperly and not be nasty about their friends behind their backs. but then I remember I'm used to living with and around some of the best people in the world so maybe I'm just spoilt. or they're just primitive apes here, I don't know. edinburgh's nice really, I'm sure there are loads of really nice people, but I expect that not all of them are business students.. which is pretty much all I meet at the moment. literally. appart from rebeca who is an artist and kind of like a female older spanish version of kit. hehe. she's nice and I'm going to try to teach her the saxophone a bit if she ever speaks to me again :s . I like artists. and musicians. and people who don't choose to spend 4 years learning about business. I like some people who do (aline is really very very nice), but.. well, creativity and variation is much funner and better for the health.
righto that'll do for now, I'm spending SO much money on communication at the moment it's terrible. I should be saving up to go to italy - then wales! woo - I'll see you all in the first week of november if I can. and will sleep on the streets of llandovery if I must... hahahah funny.
(I've forgotten the other thing I was meant to include, ralph, sorry.. I wrote 'imps' on my hand but I think that was distraction.. and the others look a little contrived d they not? dear me.)
happy happy happy days to everyone
it's so nice to wrie a blog being happy. woo!!

"and god spake and he said 'Let All The Best People In The World Be Placed In And Around A Small Town In Wales That No One's Heard Of - Just For A Laugh - And May Their Friends Be Very Lucky'"
you're all great and nice and fabulous and I miss you lots and lots

Saturday, October 15, 2005

emily laughs

(crap birthday b the way but made better by lovely contacts etc. from welsh people.)
love, peace and all that groovy stuff

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Emily IS very stupid

well yesterday was OH so fun, leaving me in a 'can I DO anything more stupid' mood, having locked my self out of my flat, then locked me and my flatmate out with both our keys inside, and me in no shoes (it's a godsend I wasn't only wearing a towel or something)and I'm STILL nackered from mancheser excursions (and maybe also not going to bed till 5am last..morning because of work)... left in a state that not being able to sign in into hotmail leaves me almost clost to tears.. oh dear.
hahaha, but I was working with Julien last night, which was funny. especially as he put on RObbie Williams and said it was his favourite singer. How could ANYONE think I fancy him!? Such an insult!! hahaha. though he's nice and friendly and makes jokes... but... robbie Williams... it was SO hard not to laugh.
and I'm working with Kevin tonight. Hooray! urgh, a night of embarassment I think. Plus we're on lothian Rd, which is rougher than grassmarket, and so we get MORE oggling guys (obviouly very drunk..)
ach I'd better go. I'm very poor now and need to save interneting time for worthwhile things
I think I need a hug.. :S
evnin' all

Thursday, October 06, 2005

woo! I just took a gayness test and got 86%
I love ya, girlz! ;)

Emily Feels Very Stupid

heh.. yeah. often it happens. I just wish I wern't so darn SLOW at picking things up.. ach well.
things I've learned on my recent excursion to manchester (monday-thursday):
- guys are very usually only after one thing (and it's not chocolate and coconut pancakes)
- being sporadic costs money
- it is really worth getting up in time to catch trains
- public emotional breakdowns can be rather horrible but leave you feeling quite good for the rest of the day
- I'm a bit slow
- I like the smell of weed
- I'm an idiot.
- I like 'rock' climbing
- manchester has nice vegetarian shops/cafes
- charl's room is nice
- other people are rubbish at drinking and go to bed at 1am!! they're just SO not hardcore.
- 'James' is a legend
- I like making people laugh, even if it's just from the garry effect.
- Ceilidhs rule!
- bonfires rule, even if they're made ou of carboard boxes and petrol, beer, and occasionally, nigel.
- we're the best people in the world.

hooray! aahh.. and rebeca's cool and nice and lights up ..cigarettes.. in the French Connection caravan. ;)
Ohh and I tried to go shopping in co op but didn't get served by brendan dammit! (heh... erm, if that is his name..) ach.. how life is fulllll of fun.
I'm fulll of energy but should be dead after house parties, john, swimming, climbing, running for trains, emotional outbursts, working for 7hours and general lack of sleep. ach well. and I'm maybe going out with 'the girls' tonight, so I'd better go get chaved up (urk)
would looove to hear from anyone and shall get round to further communications when opportunities arise. it's worth it I suppose, seeing as you're the best people in the World...

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I'm rather embarassingly out of practice of going to parties. I went to bed at only 2 last night and I'm absolutely out-of-it tired today. there was a time when I could get to bed at five, be up for school the next day, mpyt the next night, band... etc and still be relatively alive. AND i've got a sore throat. bugger.
heh, the party last night was amusing of dull. it started with going to Alex' boyfriend's flat which contained, as well as alex, me, laurence (alex's b/f) two french guys, a quiet french girl and a german girl called catrin. I ended up chatting in the normal 'it's getting dull' way to catrin because the others were talking in french all the time. then we left to go to the party - 45 mins walk which was nice, and Alex and Catrin and I talked about things on the way while the others continued in french. Then we got to the 'flat party' which was really a house party and was utterly unremarkable except that everyone there was french except for me, catrin and later a scottish girl and a scottish guy turned up, neigher of whom I spoke to really. infact, being me, I didn't really speak to anyone for the about an hour and a half I was there. I got spoken to a bit by french guys - was 'chatted up' 'come on to' or some such phrase (i'm unaware of the exact meaning of such collocations) but anyway he kept touching my arms/back and telling me I should join his water polo team. need I add that he was very drunk and probably would ahve chatted up a horse if it had looked at him. well.. first time it's happened to me though. interesting. and the other french people were just totally normal, except they talked in french all the time, giving me a bit of an excuse not to talk to anyone else. anyway within about two conversations I knew exactly how any other opening would go:
"where are you from?"
"what are you studying?"
"business management/computing at napier/craiglockheart campus/merchiston campus"
"what are you studying?"
"I'm not, I'm working"
"ah. where?"
"the french connection crepe stalls on lothian road/grassmarket"
"oh, the clothes shop?"
that was EXACTLY what I said to about seven people. and of course it's my fault for not trying to be original, but seeing as it was impossible to hear, they were drunk, french first language(ie. had trouble undrstanding - no racist comments intended), business/computing students and I was already a little too shocking in that I was wearing come kind of coulour that wasn't denim, I didn't really think they could cope with any kind of originality further, poor things.
I kept longing to look out the window and see a bonfire, and when I walked home smelling of smoke it was all from shop bought cigarettes..
I know these are pretty much exactly complaints that others (well, namely, charlotte) have had and I'm not saying anything new, but I've always been slow. I really don't think I could face clubbing with this bunch for the rest of the autumn. or even once. they talk of the clubs and even they think that it's a bit dull..that the music is too much the same etc. so.. oh god, I think it'd be HELL! and all the guys last night were in tracksuits (white) with gold chains round their necks, wrists and everywhere else. AARGH, I'm living with Chavs! ohhh the embarassment.
ahh well, this has made me feel a bit better to have it out anyway. I shouldn't rally post it because I don't particularly expect/need anyone to read but.. meh.
urm.. I did have something else to say but I forget. I shall go and sink firther into my lake of absolute normality into which I seem to melt every day. here, I am the same as everyone else and it's killing me, but how do you be original in a city of.. well more than 1000people? I try.
ho hum..
Miss llandovery clan more every day. very much so.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


well yes. no one's reading this which is absolutely great and means I can ramble on aimlessly without wasting anyone's time. infact I really am wasting my time as I should be saving this till the libary's open and this isn't costing me.
well I'll keep it short.
I met the charity people again today which was nice, talked to penny for a while (hehe the guy just sort of went all self important and sympathy seeking.. ignoring me. it was funny) and she was really good to talk to, we talked like we'd known each other for ages. and I volunteered at the peace and justice group, which was also good for making me feel good. then I went to get my train ticket to go and see charl on monday! woop. though it's £25 - then I got a text from Julien saying I'd only be working 4 shifts a week for all of october, that's probably less than £100 a week I'll be earning, so I'm going to be POOR... and I don't really have much hope of getting another job because I'm rubbish and there are too many students around. bugger. but as long as I keep busy and stuff I'm sure it'll be OK. if I'm volunteering all the time I won't have time to spend money. and I already spent a little while chatting to the person in the P&Jcentre like a normal person. well almost, though I was a bit biggotted about all I knew about the peace movement and stuff. unaccurate too. bugger.
STILL edinbugh makes me paranoid. and another thing I've had on my mind too.. I've had no one to tell me what to do, who to be etc, for the first time in my life (same as the rest of the first years really I suppose) and I'm finally getting a chance to find out who I really am (heh, you know it's going to be corny and cliched when you read this blog - don't be surprised at such comments).. and although I still understand and know that I'm a selfish, stupid, insensitive little bitch, which I've always known and shall always, hopefully keep in mind, the thing that's frightened me most is that.. I'm not always that bad. there have been times when I positively like myself. it's an odd feeling and rarely lasts longer than a period of sunshine does here in edinburgh, but hmm... it leaves me frightened that there's something massively bad that I'm doing without realising it, like accidentally drawing up plans to destroy the entire civilisation or wearing 'vote bush' stickers on my clothes. anyway. sacry. but, well.. nice. occasionally. (until another reality kicks in at least).
yes. not trying to sound self-pitying but, as usual, probably failing. hmm.
had I written when I'd wanted to, at about 2pm, this should have been a far livelier blog, but the library closes at 1pm on saturdays and I'd forgotten that.
off to flat party with Alex and Aline tonight. Oh joy. ordinary french people, KT tunstall and possibly a dodgy guy called bertraud or bertrand who I know already 'likes' me, in that he likes the fact that I wear vest tops when working at the crepe stall. strange guy.
hooray. I'll see charl on monday anyway! can't wait.
Ohh... and I might be having a flat party of my own! for my very own birthday! with a kind of flat-warming party really but hopefully I can kind of say "...and by the way..." so if anyone fancies the oh so short trip up.. probably the weekend of the 14th (two weeks) though nothing's certain. and as I told charl: there'll be bonfires and firge juggling and everything that's fab about my mind. but if you like... rooms.. and ..french people.. and.. erm.. we have a toaster.. so yeah, it should be great.