life is beautiful

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I have just been called a person who is very honest. honest with myself more than with other people.
this is very interesting and prompted a proper philosophical discussion about reality and truth. over making pizza and christmas cake decorating, which was fun.
we discussed whether there is a true reality that we live in or whether reality is only in our heads and there is no one single truth for everyone. the point was, do those who decieve themselves really know that they are decieving themselves or are they oblivious. I can't believe that they don't have some tiny voice, maybe only on the edge of hearing, that tells them that they are not right, which means that really there must be a single true reality that seeps through. or maybe I am decieving myself into believing that people are more aware and good than they really are, in which case, do I know deep down that that isn't true? In my reality (which is the one that I have created and believe in) is everyone true to themselves really, because I am and can't believe that anyone wouldn't be like me? so, is this truth? because take...erm... an exemplary (meaning example, as opposed to good)person , let's call them erm... Rob just as an example... who believes that he is always right, and although he is an utter hypocryt (sp?) can't ever see that, because he really really believes that he is right. is it because he actually, so deep down that you could never reach it and bring it into the light of day, knows that he is wrong, that he is unhappy? or maybe he believes that he is right and true to himself... and so in his reality he is. I try to be true to myself because I feel guilty enough about life as it is without pretending things. Yet I am not always happy. so... does this mean that we must decieve ourselves a bit in order to fasion a happy world for ourselves? am I better off than 'Rob' because I have a reality closer to the shared percieved reality that might be seen as the 'true' reality or not at all? if you decieved yourself enough that you were happy, would that be ok? as long as you didn't hurt others maybe... or maybe it shows that life cannot always be happy. It is pretty groovy to be alive anyway (though that's just my oppinion and so is true in my reality but may not be in someone else's - say a possible suicide -'s reality)
hope that gives you some nice light thinking for when you're off to bed! especially if any of it makes any sense in any of your realities, because it does in mine.


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