life is beautiful

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

this must be brief as I must go and do more maths homework while my brain is still in a workable (relatively) happy state.
officially 6 days till Mpyt again, only three days down from sunday.
anyway, the real reason I came along here today was to say:
hooray and well done to beffykins for passing her driving test!!! yay!
may your car bring you many years of hapiness.

and chins up everyone, at least you're not being brutally murdered by american and british soldiers in falluja!
all my love to absent friends (particularly from powys), for whose company I would give much.
and hooray again for beth :-)
PS. I'm hoping to have my first driving lesson this weekend, only a year and 2 months late. I have decided I am greatly in need of the independance of driving, but till then, I have also decided I need a boyfriend who can drive. [then again one who can't would probably be pretty acceptable, I don't think I'm in any position to be fussy].


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