life is beautiful

Saturday, July 24, 2004

I think I wrote once before that we all think 'if only they knew what it's like for me, then they'd understand', so we all spend most of our time trying to make other people understand us rather than trying to understand them.
I may be trying to be overly, er... self important or condmening of others, but I know I'm guilty of it too.
that's mostly what the majority of these blogs are about, people want their say, and because normally other people won't listen, this is the chance to be heared, or at least to say what you want, which is really the important thing. and that could be a good thing. bottled up things can be so much worse, like fizzy elderflower bottles that explode if you leave them too long and then you've got a great sticky mess and are picking pieces of plastic bottle off the ceiling for the next year.
(what and apt and totally unoriginal and uninspiring simile)
ritechous was the word I wanted earlier, though not spelt like that.
what a difference someone noticing you can make. if someone just sort of... says something nice or just kind it can make the world of difference, and it's usually something so simple, but we rarely do it. I think to myself from time to time that I should remember to do things that one wouldn't usually do, but I chicken out and think that it's an invasion of the other person't privacy, or that they probably wouldn't want me talking to them or something. it's lazyness really I suppose, can't be bothered to face the consequences of getting it wrong.
(I do hope laziness really does have a z in it. I seem to be losing my grasp of the language. oh dear..)
Oh how just smiling can help so much. it really does,  even if you feel 'down' don't feel like smiling, it can really really help, I promise. of course it helps if you have something really good to smile about. [I had a bit in here about how everyone should be able to find something to smile about but took it out because it sonded too much like I was just trying to say 'oh pull yourself together' to the world]  BUT we should try to help give other people something to smile about, however hippyish or whatever that sounds, it's what I believe, though whether I'll put it into practice on an industrial scale is very highly unlikely, because I an a selfish, lazy, and stupidly dull bitch.
anyway, see you all
keep practicing that happiness
and now please smile. properly. for... ten seconds.
it won't hurt you, so there's no reason not to.
and remember, you're gorgeous (everyone is, but you especially)
heh heh

ps. still missing you, charl (for if you're still reading these) xx


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