life is beautiful

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

well, I succumbed to the inevitable. but I stil don't seem to get the links working, though a little effort may do the job.
I shouldn't be on the computer, i've been on it most of the morining, watching little videos of CPR (centre for performance research)'s summer school and taking stills. then we did some filming of this year's summer school which was cool but the direcor-y people were rather too full of themselves and thought they and their group were better than everyone ever, which was not really true since most of the stuff they did was a bit too random, though defenately interesting. to begin with all 11 (I think) of the actor-y people walked round the museum, mostly scareing people, though that wasn't the intension. the costumes were cool, there was:
a woman with all blood round her mouth and brown stains down her top
a woman with male-tpe trousers and braces and a cool hat (michael-jackson y though i'm not sure why)
A woman waring a raincoat and wellies (and nothing else)
A woman in sort of teenager type clothing
a man with a woman's one strap top on
a man with a weird fake moustache (drooping)
a woman with just a nightie
a woman all in black with a balaklava
a man with nothing very notable on, except his shirt did have cowboys on..
a man with a written on t shirt saying things about america
a woman in a red dress with red writing all over her
a woman with a black dress carrying white wings
that's twelve and it feels like there were more...
anyway it was interesting. and i've been using an apple computer anyway which was cool but comfusing. damned microsoft and its ways of making you used to it.
and listening to jo wiley trying to be cool about glastonbury, though one gets the feeling she's not even got a whiff of the real meaning of it for most people and will be making slightly nervous jokes about smoke and people behaving strangely for the rest of the week. thank god it's not essential to listen.
and i impressed people with my knowledge of the red hot chilli peppers, in that they're in cardiff...damn it, is it tonight. I hope so. well it doesn't really make any difference.
enjoy the nice pretty colours childen


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