life is beautiful

Sunday, April 11, 2004

I suppose seeing as there is a whole ONE person online,and it being 11.15 pm, I should be asking where the party is.
By the way, I haven't been murdered yet, but i'm saying out of the kitchen untill someone else goes in before me.
I just realised that my last blog must have takem me about an hour to write. How I do love writing, in any form. I really should go to bed, and this should be a very short blog but I really want to go on. there are plenty of things to write about, particularly because I've been reading more of janie's nice little blog, but as I have plenty of work to do tomorrow and for every hour of this next week if I so wish, and as i'm mainly a little... under happy... because i'm tired, I'd better go to bed.
roll on school, I say. not only will friends be around again, but it might actually be possible to get some rest.
some people need the term 'holiday' explained to them. I always understood it as a time without work perhaps, or a rest, but I seem o be mistaken, it's just a chance to do work in a different environment or under different conditions.
"a change is as good as a rest" humph.
oh I wish I could go on. there's so much I could say... about oxbridge, about my step sister's twins, punctuation, maths, shcool, english, next door's baby - due today! and oh so much more.
nope, bed time
well another time then
and they ll lved happily ever after
the end


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