life is beautiful

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

deary deary me. no one's going to read this anyway so it doesn't matter. I just spent about half an hour trying to find my username and password. and now i've forgotten what I was going to say.
I've just realised that charl (orangoutansberet@blogspot...) has been updating her blog and so thought i'd annoy her by copying her.
it's december the 23rd and is wonderfully wet outside. I'm missing school friends already and have almost two more weeks of holidays left (oh the torture!) but too much work. It's christmas and they're expecting us to have the self controll to actually do work! deary me.
anyway.... um... it's the christmas holidays and all is more or less well. Ben is home, which is lovely, mostly. and other things are happening, like he's going to get us a new computer and we might have it my tomorrow which is just craziness. it's going to have a flat screen and other things like that and will have to cost <£800 because that's what CNDcymru's paying.
lots of maths revision going on. it's fun to sound clever and know things that are actually utterly useless, like how to work out the area of a section of a circle (actually GCSE work) and how to do long division with polynomials (great fun!).
i could say lots but I won't because have spent so long online as it is.
at least now I know my username and password (at least I think i do...)
bye then.


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