life is beautiful

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

ok so i got bored with writing everything that happened down properly for the blog (though i recoreded most of the week) but just take the rest as: it was a bloody fantastic week, especially all of it.

Quick thought: What i said before about being part of something is still true. but tha best is when you become engulfed in things, so that one particular thing becomes your life for a while. love that. when you can forget about the rest of the world and just concentrate on doing whatever it is (can any of you aspiring-sherlock-holmeses connect this to anthing that i may have been doing over the last, oh, let's say, week..?) and just be doing it. it's fantastic. forget about guilt and everything. just16 hours a day of pleasure then sleep. it works for me. except when it ends and you get a terrible empty feeling and that you should be doing something. but you can't (at leas not get that bloody saxophone to sound any good at all. how can i love the damn thing when i'm so bad at playing!)
sigh. i can almost say that i don't remember being so happy for such a long time all at once s i did last week, though i am trying to only remember the good bits.
oh well... think of... last week.. everything...


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