life is beautiful

Thursday, December 25, 2003

yes it is very sad of me to be online on christmas day I suppose, but then again no more than any other day really. it's not been a particularly special day anyway... but lots of very kind presents from people. amongst them... er... a lovvely decorated notebook from beth, a cool book and a cusion from poppy, a guinea-pig calendar from ben, executive hand squeesie things to strengthen the wrists from 'father christmas', shoes from mum, which I've had for several weeks already, and my absolute favourites, a brilliant private eye book from Kathy and all sorts of nice things from charl, and while I adore the photos and frames I think the best is the 'teach yourself latin book' I shall have to learn latin and beat charl to learning telekenisis or whatever the book I gave her was about.
Hi! I'm Robin Hood! Twang. I come from sher-wood for-est. twang. and so on.
and of course, lots of loverly other things from other people.
We're off to dad's tomorrow and that's far more exciting because he's going to get a DVD player an we've got eddie izzard's new 'sexie' video (standup by the way, not...anything else)...on dvd!! eek! plus yes. and so far... £70 in cash cheques and book tokens. everyone is so nice, but i'd like them without the nice presents of course... and I can't escape christmas without plenty of guilt, but i'll leave that there for today. we began to watch some film about jack and the beanstalk which was three hours long so we gave up.
then I spoke to my unkle, whom I never speak to though the'yre all really cool down there (mum's brother) or up there or wherever. he plays the guitar really well and is sort of in a band, he says, and I want to go and see them loads now.
I've also been fiddling on the guitar because Ben was trying to begin to play, and mum taught me a bit to 'anji' by simon and garfunkel which I have never heard but it's sort of easy but sounds nice. I must find out some more S&G songs to play - a new thought.
right this incredibly priviledged rant must end for now.
many millions of thanks to everyone for my lovely presents (particularly Kath and Charl who are the most likely to read this, though even that is unlikely)
as my dad said to me this morning 'happy birthday' (my birthday is not today by the way... and he didn't even mean it as a joke. I do worry alot about both my parents)
well well.


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