life is beautiful

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Hello! I’ve just read charlotte and davy’s new blogs – well done for blogging and keeping us all occupied. I haven’t tried reading anyone else’s because I’m afraid if I look at too many, blogspot will get blocked. POKEY has already been blocked!!!!! Crum! It’s soo annoying because I’d just got into it again. blithering school! (I’m trying not to swear so my page wont’ be blocked in school too)
Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was our bus ride yesterday. Everyone always seems to have those jolly little anecdotes about things that happened and I don’t have anything because I was usually in aberystwyth at the time or something, but not I have something really cool to recount!
Anyone who has already read charlotte’s blog may know that we’re both involved at this point in time in a production of Watership down with (the now endangered, but totally lovely) MPYT, which is running in the Wyeside in Builth during the first week of November (Tuesday to Saturday) starting 7.30 (subliminal advertising, or ‘plugging’ if you listen to Amy) so there have been many rehearsals. Most of the time I have lifts from the gracious Charlotte, but last night she wasn’t called so I went to llangamarch then got a lift to builth to catch the bus to llandod., and this is where the story really starts. (it’s not actually that exciting-sounding but it was fun at the time).
It was evening and my companion and I (Elin my Efrafran-doe-buddy) arrived at our destination (the bus stop) five minutes after the bus was meant to have departed, but as we peered through the orange gloom we saw that Georgi was still waiting for the bus to arrive, so we were safe (for now). As we crossed the road to the bus stop, another figure appeared from the shadows (not with jelly), and turned out to be Jo (aka holly or liam(?) or bob). At that exact moment the bus arrived. “Wow” quod us, as the bus was relatively early “we may even be on time to Youth Theatre”. However, we weren’t. The bus Driver had decided that this was the correct moment to vacate the bus in order to use the toiletry facilities available in Builth Car Park. At the same time, a man on the bus, wearing headphones, also alighted in order to take in some fresh cigarette smoke outside. Georgi then remembered that she had a card in her bag about trying to stop smoking and tried to show it to the man through the bus window, however his attention was not easily drawn and so we settled for leaving it on his bag instead, in the hope that he would glance at it on his return and might indirectly save his life. Eventually our gallant bus driver returned, the smoking man got back on the bus and we departed for Llandod. Our man saw the card that had been left for him, read it, then ripped it in half and put it in his bag. Later, after much traveling the man rose to leave the bus, as he got off he called to us “there are some mars bars in the carrier bag for you”, so we looked on his seat and lo, there were four mars bars, all still wrapped and apparently poison free. There was also a little milk left in an empty carton, but we didn’t take that. As there were four of us we decided to share the loot equally, however Jo said he didn’t want any so as we left the bus Elin gave a bar to the bus driver, who said thank you very much, which was nice. As we then started the long walk to the Unit, we were meant to cross a railway line, but just as we reached it, the lights started flashing and a train came past. It had been stopped and waiting for the barriers to drop, so it went past us quite slowly. we waved and the nice train people beeped the horn at us!
Thusly ends my story. (written in random forms of language)
It really doesn’t sound dreadfully fun, but it was reasonably cool. Mpyt was really nice afterwards, as there weren’t looooads of people there and Ian only lost his temper a little bit.
I don’t know how I’ll survive not seeing so many nice people so regularly after the show… it’s been so happy-making to see such nice people every day (and seeing charl every day too! It’s brilliant!). Though I’m sure lovely people in school are plenty nice enough to keep me going..
Well… until next time me-harties!


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