life is beautiful

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

1) hahahahaha it's the 'spot who's just finished school/college and has nothing better to do (or nothing that involvs less moving) than write blogs' competition. I need a life.
2)AAARGHH! the damn bloody olympic games! the result will be known when anyone reads this but on the news this morning it was saying how Jack Chirac started on about how britain - no england sorry - had rubbish food. So the british tabolids responded by calling him names (I've forgotten what) and with witty slogans using 'crep' instead of 'crap', with all of its negatie and degrading connotations. This is just about who has the olympic games and they're bloody fighting over it. like schoolboys! THis is what starts off or at least keeps racism, prejudice and wars going. Lots of people will say 'it's healthy' or 'just a bit of fun'. I don't give a damn. I really hate the anti-french prejudice of the british - letting alone the american argument, which I'm not going to go into now, though I will say, nevermind the culture,many of the actual people aren't that bad. the real ones in any case - but the british hate french people for no reason, apart from history, which is stupid. and now people think it's ok to make racist jokes - or jokes about gays, the disabled or other past subjects of prejudice - because 'it's not serious' but the more it's done the more it's accepted and the more it'll subconsciously affect people's minds and oppinions.
I hope britain damn well doesn't get the olympics and spends the money on something slightly useful like schools or public transport. and I hope that france doesn't get it so no one feels cross with them. *sigh* what is this world coming to? I'm sure us younguns could do it all so much better (said in the innocent and headstrong voice of youth - not entirely seriously)


Blogger Charlotta said...

Hah, like child like parent. Not much will change.

Except the supermarket that I shall not name will Rule our world. Yep. You bet. Once they have the monopoly of supermarket retail.. what's stopping them?

( I'm not trying to fuel any kind of side-arguments, but: )

Don't Buy at Supermarkets!!!!

July 07, 2005 10:46 pm


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