life is beautiful

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Maybe it's a time of innocence, or maybe it's the time of year..

Arr, the sun be fine, the clouds be few and here I be, indoors on the computer. I’m not too sure why I persist in blogging so regularly, while everyone else has less need to tell everything about their lives, and probably have more to tell because they’re not on the computer all the time. I refuse to repent though. And I am about to go and cycle into town, do some swimming then carry out some ex boyfriend bothering (not my own, might I add). So that’s something, eh?
This instance of a blog is just to give some recognition to yesterday, which was a fwkin’ marvellous day, interestingly enough. Nothing specifically exciting happened, it just turned out to be a string of nice nicenesses which left one with a nice warm feeling inside. (though once more that may be down to wake up pills, sadly)
The first bit was nothing special, I had a maths exam in the afternoon so dutifully spent the morning working and, by way of obligation, feeling a little stressed. One must feel stressed about exams, no? or else the poor examining boards’ time would be wasted.
The exam came and went,and now it’s gone, which is the important part. I believe it was an exam in which I carried out more silent swearing than ever before, so there’s an interesting fact for you.
After that – feeling post M3 I’ll never have to do it again happiness – I spent a while watching Ralph fuelling his Diablo addiction which, might I add, was rather impressive ;) (or, to use litotes appropriately, not unimpressive)
Then as I walked out of school Mr evans was on duty and saluted me as I walked by, which left me giggling in a disgustingly girly fasion.
For aforementioned reasons, and a few others mainly connected with the weather, I was left giggling to myself and singing Jolene all the way home on the bus, which was great and left me in a giggled-out but happy-feeling mood.
I then got home and proceded to try to kill myself by going straight out for a bike ride without drinking anything, and, mainly due to those dear energy pills, tried to tackle hills with more energy than I actually possessed. But I survived to tell the tale and returned home for a bath before Mpyt.
It just so happened that Edward couldn’t come to mpyt, him having a London trip in the morning and having to be up by the early time of 7 am!! /gasps at the cruelty/ Soo.. I was given an excuse to stay at the lovely ellen and harry’s house, something I had been waiting for for a while.
Mpyt was an absolutely great one, taken by Andrew Sterry, the Autumn show director and ex-mpyter himself, who has a good if cruel sense of humour. We played loads of fab Ms Ellis – style games – including the numbers one where I got to number 1! And, more impressively, rannon, kris, ellen and trev got to numbers 2-5 from the very end. I salute their skills.
We also had a few goes at keepy-uppy, which is not my cup of tea really, and we wouldn’t be chosen for the international championships this year anyway.
We also had to be blindfolded and guided around the room by a partner, and I ended up being guided right into someone by new-rory guy.
But the REAL rory was there too, with his (albeit bumfluff, yet somehow quite cool) new beard. And it was he who I was teamed with for the next set of things, which was dead cool, though quite hard as he is rather a good actor, even – or maybe especially – under certain influences. These exercises involved real acting, and were short four line sketches, and watching everyone else’s ideas was great.
A perfectness was missing, however, as Joshuaro failed to make an appearance, for which I am rather cross at him. But it was still cool all round, say I.
And finally to sleep in ‘my room’ in the Jordan/fraser household, which is kind of like another of my homes. Though sleep is not the word, due to recent wakeup pill consumption I only got to sleep at midnight – carefully avoiding turning into a pumpkin, and was woken by the train at 6 to see the hills all consumed by mists.
I slept for another half an hour, dreaming of stoned people going for walks in misty hills, lots of people sleeping at Joe’s house and other things I shall not mention.
Then I got the train ‘home’ to school. It was like the old days..

Just a quick note: after reading ralph’s blog, and subsequent comments, it has emerged that I have the oldest still active blog. How cool am i? (finger click). I’d always thought of myself as an inexperienced or novice blogger. Though of course quality doesn’t always come with time. Yet still, ‘tis an interesting fact, forsooth.


Blogger Emilie said...

whoah, that were long, wern't it?

June 08, 2005 3:56 pm

Blogger Inti said...

yeppers VERY long

how can u write so much ... when i try i can barely get a line!! ... lol ... i guess fondness for english helps (which it what i don't have :( )

aww well

i have almost finished my exams .... yippeee....

me...(u know who [just incase u don't who does it say posted it.... :P so there.... ;)])

June 09, 2005 2:01 pm


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