life is beautiful

Saturday, May 14, 2005

spiderman's insecure chickens [not for the feint hearted and weak stomach'd]

OK, so this post was firstly going to be about insecurity, then about chickens and now it seems it's going to be about spiderman.

OK, so chickens it is then:
If anyone saw the "McLibel" film on BBC 4, I think, on friday night, then you may know what's coming. it was all about two people who stood up to libel allegations by McDonalds, and how they went about proving that McD's is absolute rubbish. (somebody - kwong I think - told me about them before, and, so, ..yeah). anyway one of their things was about the animal cruelty and they showed the chicken farms of some of McD's suppliers. it was so horrible. I really can't see how one couldn't be a vegetarian after seeing/hearing what they showed. I hate to be like this now: as if I'm forcing oppinions on people, but then i'm just trying to put across a point. they had chicks on conveyor belts and showed them breaking their necks.with wire and machines. cute fluffy yellow chicks. they were pouring chicks into a mincer. the chikens were skinned ALIVE and put on production lines hung up by their necks, still alive. this isn't just cruelty, it's evilness.. or more acurately brainlessness. I just can't see how anyone knowing how it works can eat that stuff with a clear conscience.
Ok I can see how, by shutting off. stopping the mind from thinking it. ignoring the blaring obvious. forgetting the truth.
and now people think I'm having a go at them. I'm not. I love you all, veggie or not. it's just... I suppose I care too much. It's a damn annoying thing if you ask me. I just want people to

anyway, on to spiderman. {I shall leave insecurity to another night/day when I need sleep less. my face is starting to itch again - another week of feeling and looking blo ody awful is on the books I think. Hooray! I love pink blotchy faces and feeling like screaming every time I look in the mirror. }
{me? vain? noooo..}
er... spiderman. yeah. I've just watched "spider-man 2" and that has led me to decide that I want men to leap through new yourk to save me. I'm in the mood being all femenine and having big strong men save me from silly situation [well I know spiderman is effectively a teenager but that's irrelevant]
maybe it's just the unconditional love idea that attracts me. quite possibly as
ARGH why am I always complaining damn it. I'm HAPPY ok? sorry ;)
but anyone who wants to apply to do some rescuing, spiderman style, don't hesitate to contact me (hehe "apply below") . I feel like being subjected to er... maleness {no euphimisms or dirtiness intended, I want pure sexist ohh how can I make this sound innocent? watch spiderman, then you'll understand. maybe. though that's probably all symbolic of something.} Feminine. that's a word I wanted. I have the urge to feel feminine. mmmm....

this is all quite uncharacteristically straight of me. don't worry, folks, I'm still (your favourite) lesbi an (well... maybe part time anyway).
argh this is degenerating into late night rant style.
really I am happy. at this moment cake is playing
I want to love you, love you
love you madly

I love cake. hooray for its happiness giving and life enhancing abilities.
et les grands etrientes (?) pour tous!

je veux t'aimer, t'aime
t'aime follement


Blogger Inti said...


Name: Inti
Type of application: Unconditional application




;) HUGS... :$..

May 16, 2005 7:13 pm

Blogger Charlotta said...


Em you were asking for the above comment ... heh heh heh

May 17, 2005 11:39 am

Blogger Inti said...


yep you think so huh??


May 19, 2005 7:53 am

Blogger Charlotta said...

shut up

May 24, 2005 11:59 am

Blogger Inti said...

i am not shutting up thank you very much...


u r'nt very nice....



May 25, 2005 10:36 am

Blogger David said...

charlotte! you cant tell my lover to shut up! humph...

come inti, let us emigrate to a place where we are both respected and welcomed.

i am ''cough'' being completely ''cough cough, sneeze sniffle'' serious.

May 27, 2005 5:44 pm

Blogger Emilie said...

go for it lads

May 28, 2005 11:19 am

Blogger Inti said...


NO ... no ... no no

Moi wants Em :$...

May 29, 2005 4:30 pm


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