life is beautiful

Thursday, March 31, 2005

title title title

not sure I totally approve of this new layout but i'm going to stick with it in a determined kind of a way. I can't decide whether to add the choice of comments though. I think I quite like the closed-offness of no comments, but then the wider range of communication possibilities that are opened up by allowing comments is pretty damn attractive. gosh life is so hard sometimes (especially as there's no way of clearly indicating sarcasm in writing).
I'm in a good mood and it's such a lovely feeling. perhaps it's having a family for a while. not that charl and the turtles (sounds like a cheep copy of alvin and the chipmonks) aren't totally wonderful, 'cause they are, and generally I like and respect my friends more than most of my family, but still... it's nice to be a little familied occasionally.
back to the plot:
Is a soul mate someone with whom you are absolutely unafraid to be yourself? someone who, whatever you say, you know they will not think worse of you? or is that a good friend? or just a certain type of friend? or just a lucky find?
why is it that we are always trying to change people?
maybe it's because we want to like them more. we want to help them be someone who, in our eyes is more likeable. we may want them to have more fun, or think that because we can see them from the outside we can see their faults more clearly, or at least ones that they can't see. maybe it's because we think we know the right way to live and they don't [if this is so, why don't we just let people work out their own right way, not try to impose ours on them and make them feel stupid??] or because we are concerned that they are getting stuck in a rut and cannot see the way out. some of these are more selfish than others. some are more self-aware. but why is it that we cannot just leave people to work things out for themselves? it's odd that we want to have such input into others' lives, sometimes when it is our lives that need looking at objectively and changing [ooh - deep eh?]. is it something natural - do we want to do it to help our race survive? or through altruism (basically; selflessness) ? or through a genuine wish to impart some of out own gained knowledge and stop others from having to work things out the hard way?
just a few things for you to think about.
also, how many people do you know that you're perfectly comfortable with? people who you're not afraid that they'll find something out about you that might change their view of you completely. I'm not actually suggesting that this is a rare thing, but i'm trying to be thought provoking. and to tell the truth, I don't think that there are a great many people with whom I feel totally safe and comfortable with myself.
but then I'm a crazy, mixd up gal - just like everyone else.
seeing as I have asked so many questions here maybe I will try to allow comments, just for a while at least, and will watch relievedly as no one replies.


Blogger Charlotta said...

Em, you're always thought provoking, you don't need to try.

And I know all the answers already- Mwhahaha -I am going to o psychology as you know.


April 01, 2005 9:23 am

Blogger Emilie said...

hahaha, well I suppose I shall have to be careful when buying tramadol in general! all those careless times...
and from now on I shall have to re-think my comments options. from now on only blogger-holders can post. and the option will most likely be soon gone altogether. so enjoy it while you can - and watch out for tramadol!

April 01, 2005 11:42 am


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