life is beautiful

Saturday, March 19, 2005

in but a few minutes I will have devoured an entire packet of dried mango.
dammit why are they so good? and how can something so hard to chew be so easy to eat?
I should be all fruited out today, I have been having a greatly fruity day of fruity goodness involving:
kiwi fruit
paw paw
fresh real (fair trade) pineapple
little oranges
rasberry yoghurt
dried fruit including prunes (hehe) and apricots
and now mangoes
that should do me for the rest of the week's 5 portions of fruit and veg I'd say (well if you're any good at maths you'd be able to spot it anyway)
well I'm glad I got that off my chest. (a very fruity - sticky chest after having all that fruit on it, anyone interested in finding out more, please contact the usual address)
ANYway enough of all that
in fact it should be enough of all this. I STILL have done NO work at all this weekend despite vows to get everything done that ever needed doing over these two days..
this hasn't been helped by my vow to start reading and writing again- and to aoid going through any comic or farcical comments about this I mean reading and writing in a literary sense - reading books and writing ...stuff. further rekindled by experiencing rubbish poets saying things in a bar a few hours ago. and I've just been reading a sort of diary-style book that says things like "am planning on taking little charlene to dancing" and "large hunky plumber carries me upstairs..." so I feel like I'm emulating that style now..
mmm big hunky plumbers...
oh that reminds me - also present at this music thing (as well as studens singing alone with their guitars who all had year ten haircuts - HAH) was a person whom I could even chosen as a 'point' for a few minutes, but this person had two rather major failings...
1.) he was male [still the male of the species goes down in my estimation, not up. I'm sorry guys but if you do wish to redeem yourselves in my eyes you're going to have to do something about a number of males who are acting like absolute cretins in my general vicinity -though they are none of my friends or those listed in previous post - to whom I choose to add Mr Evans as he is a rather cool guy and deserves official exemtion from my condemnation of men)
2.) his name was Matt
deary me. I think that mothers about 20 years ago all had some kind of mass brain-trouble, or joint-psychic feeling or general stupidity, which resulted in them all calling their sons Matthew, and then all of these sons chose to shorten their names to Matt.
I suppose the next step is there will be girls called Matt ... then the whole world will be called Matt -except those called Will.
*sigh* the world is full of unoriginality.
I now propose to start a campaign - if you know anyone called Matt, rename them, each Matt MUST have a different name. here are some suggestions:
you know...him
st ferdinand the 3d
oi you

so get out there and get renaming your Matts!


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