life is beautiful

Saturday, April 16, 2005

La orignaux et le saindoux

once there was a little moose
his legs were very very loose
he found walking very hard
so he ate a lot of lard(
but when he found some it was marred
by the evil staphanie)
the moose looked both far and wide
long and tall and side to side
but the lard it still would hide
till he tried some extacy
then his life was much transformed
he found that lard, for which he'd stormed
(Its fattiness so newly formed)
no longer made him happy.

well I hope you've all learned from this allegorical parable and fully comprehend its deep metaphorical and meaningful undertones.

some of you may believe that there was once more to this blog than this highly skilled and great poem.
just put it down to a common lapse in short-term memory.

thanks to y'all for existing xxxx


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