life is beautiful

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Apathy is a symptom of depression...

...therefore our whole society must be depressed.
We live in a time and place that it is out of place to care too much. If we become too involved we are seen as different and strange. If you davote your life to saving cats, then you're a crazy woman (or man). If you travel long distances to see one piece of art, a band or a place, then you're fanatical or obsessed. If you were to suggest walking from lands end to jon o' groats just to make a point everyone would think you were weird. Is this because people don't actually care that much, and if someone else does it makes them feel ..something. wrong? different? superior? guilty? it just seems a shame that people can't care loads about things without seeming weird. It's obviously more apparent in teenagers. The famous apathetic teen who grunts and doesn't give a damn if they drop their chewing gum on the street, if their parents tell them their room is too messy or if a few thousand people die in a bombing attack. Crying when you think of children being killed by soldiers is wimpy, crying because it's the last episode of friends is ok.
Just some of the excitting paradoxes of modern life. As for me, I am going to sleep it rough, go long distances, get arrested, break into places by climbing over fences using elaborate fence-climbing devices (they do exist), walk places, live in trees, get caught up and make a difference. And if I don't do at least many of these things over the next year I give permission for people to force me to drink three shots of absinthe in a row. so there.


Blogger Inti said...

Wow thats strong...

Sounds good tho! :D (what u say ur gonna do i mean!)

July 12, 2005 7:52 am


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