life is beautiful

Monday, July 04, 2005

Well! I liked Kath's blog - fabulously written. you'd think she studied the language somehow..
and this is in no way degrading/copying/upstaging it, I just thought I'd note a few things on the subject of the G8/live8 (but in a minute,when I've read the 'guide to G8 blockades' that my mum has sent me)
1) the rubber wrist bands really are made in sweatshops! did everyone else know this already?
2) the guy who organised 'make poverty history' is a real corrupt rich guy. or so my brother says (so it MUST be true). Well, he said he was not the most moral man in the world, but he also said he got this info from a communist magaziene,which MIGHT be slightly inclined to th conspiracy theory side of things, but it all seems likely enough to me.
3) apparently Bill Gates went to the live8 thing in philadelphia. I know kath says it's all as much about the trade as the debt, but bil gates could probably repay the debt money without noticing it had gone from one of his many accounts. the world is a funny place.
4) from the bbc news website on the topic of edinburgh protests:
"Amid the violence there also were peaceful protests with demonstrators dressed as clowns and some even stripping naked."We're anti-capitalists, we're for trade justice," said one woman in a clown costume calling herself General Lovely. On the west coast of Scotland, about 700 protesters gathered outside the Faslane nuclear submarine base to highlight the fact that wealthy nations are still selling weapons to developing countries."
And the great David Rovics was probably at the faslane protest, thanks to mum, who arranged it despite being busy saving the world in the way of editing things and thinking about getting her stuff out of our old house (at last! but does anyone have temporary space for a baby grand piano, by any chance? heh)
I do like the sound of the clowns.
5) the 'guide to the blockades' says "In case of the network breaking down, people
might want to have alternative means of communication. Bike messengers,
walkie-talkies, flag waving, smoke signals, whatever. Don't keep trying
the phone network, you will only slow it down further. Use megaphones,
and talk with the people around you so that you can act together." it sounds like so much fun! imagine using smoke signals.. Ohh how I wish I were there.
6) those damned wristbands again: at least they DO show something positive more than making money. I don't refuse to give to charity like some people, who say we shouldn't have to because they shouldn't be needed because the money that the government spends on weapons should go to the causes, but I do think we should have a mixture of positive action and charity, so that the charities' situations are not as likely to remain as they are but will improve. so yeah, the wristbands at least do say a big 'fuck you' to the government. in some ways. or a small one. (and no matter what the sunday times style magaziene says, mine really do give me a rash), but aren't they really just another version of the badges that used to be left in boxes by tills in smaller shops and banks to appeal to the guilt/impulse buyer?

hahah I was in oxfam bookshop today and as I went in there were a whole load of lads (no other word for them) just leaving saying things like 'you should have got one mike' 'you mean bastard' etc. whilst fiddling with the catches on their own. it was sweet because they were either embarassed or excited about their trip to the charity shop. but I very much doubt whether they actually know much about the whole G8 thing apart from it has something to do with bob Geldoff. though I must confess to being rather ignorant of the facts myself, though I know enough to know that the anti-G8 feeling is not only Geldoff and his little army, but that those who think of themselves as true campaigners don't like him because it's all too false. I remain neutral on live8. I'm sure it's done some good. Mr geldoff and his swearing are not everything.In homage to a friend of the family, Jon, alias Jonattheprinters or Jonny "we H8 G8"...just as he was SO proud to have worked out the H8 is textspeak for Hate. awww.


Blogger Emilie said...

hehe don't worry, mine isn't researched either. unless you call "my brother said..." solid proof.

July 05, 2005 1:37 pm

Blogger Charlotta said...


July 05, 2005 9:53 pm

Blogger Charlotta said...

hah as if I'd do that. That would be suicide. Also I'd be infront of the computer all week arguing against the things listed as being 'rubbish'. So I'm not going to, and I think the points I did make sufficently outlined my general feelings towards the whole lot of them.

July 05, 2005 9:56 pm

Blogger Charlotta said...

oh hello kathy

July 05, 2005 9:56 pm

Blogger Charlotta said...

we're posting in real time I see.

I meant 'See' about the wristbands, and everything. everything ever. No-one really knows anything. And I really can't say any more on any matter, because I'd lose my friends and no-one can ever win these kind of arguments. Because? Because no-one knows anything really.

July 05, 2005 9:58 pm

Blogger Charlotta said...


Love you all!

July 05, 2005 9:59 pm

Blogger Emilie said...


July 08, 2005 4:29 pm


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