life is beautiful

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I've realised it's probably been years since I wrote one of these only-vaguely-coherent over-tired blogs, and it's about time I added to the collection.
er.. though I hvae little to say for anyone who isn't me. I've been checking over some other blogs and it makes me want to go all emo and cryptic, so I shall do so.
humm... main thought for the day: I'm going to uni in a few days. eek... don't want to lose all this
what I want most, at this moment, is to remember who I am. it's getting a little tiring, feeling so washed out and plain - I'm happy but I don't feel like me, or anyone really, just the recepticle of experiences that are occasionally pleasant.
ho ho.. I am tired, but it's true about the not feeling me bit. need to spend some time in my head. probably plenty of time for that in uni, though, when I'm there *not* making friends.
hmm.. and not pretending.. not taking people for granted. hopefully not stretching my soul so thin that it feels like I have none left for myself.
bleh, and babies still die and war continues and the bastards keep making money, and here I am worried about my individual and quiet problems that mean little to me, let alone anyone else.
yes, OK, it's life. nevermind.
secrets should not always be, they're tiring to uphold and I can't be bothered with them right now.
mmm... I'm going to bed. I hope that's rubbish enough. I was trying
hee it would make me laugh if it wasn't so tiring.
Life continues beautiful, and this beauty is forecast for tomorrow also, so keep your eyes peeled for it, if you're not paying enough attention it might be missed.
Oh please do see it: you're lucky enough to own a compuer with internet connection, you're lucky enough to be alive. I can't believe how lucky I am and I would wish never to take it for granted but to feel the beauty every day.
I'm not a fucking hippy, honest


Blogger Inti said...

lovely blog(like i feel really)
ta emi ;)
meeee (meh)

September 05, 2006 9:32 am

Blogger David said...

gahhhh shet up ya emo

September 05, 2006 5:58 pm

Blogger Emilie said...

who, me?
er.. yeah, I'm so emo it hurts

September 06, 2006 9:16 pm


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