life is beautiful

Friday, August 18, 2006

They may try to break our spirits
and at times we may succeed
but our love for the world
is stronger than their greed.
And the more we hold each other up
the less we can be swayed.
Here's to love
and solidarity
and a kiss behind the barricades
-behind the barricades, David Rovics

yeah man. it's good.
Nice nice night with lovely ladies last night. Keep forgetting to actually talk to people, though. Dammit.
Plus, OK, not at all an original thought or feeling but it's pissing me off SO much..
how can one person's actions...feelings... etc be SO DANM IMPORTANT

people should just go for whatever and live their lives. We could die tomorrow so really, why not live today?

bleh. that's all.


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