life is beautiful

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Jehova's witnesses told me that soon God will smite the earth and all the unworthy will go to hell,

The ecologists say that global warming will ruin the world, well within my lifetime.

The Public Service Adverts say I'll die early from passive smoking.

The Government says that we'll all be blown up by terrorists if we're not careful (duck and cover,duck and cover),

My Upbringing says we'll all be blown up in a nuclear war soon.

The news says an asteroid will hit the earth in six years, causing irreversable damage,

The "numbers" point to death on the road

The Scientists say that I'll get cancer if I don't eat right. Or if I do. Or if I exercise lots. Or if I don't. Or if I use mobile phones too much. or not enough, or...

My mum worries I've been affected by the chernobyl disaster and will probably get cancer soon anyway.

George Bush says we'll never survive if we run out of oil

The conspiracy theorists might think I'll be abducted for having alternative views

And if I try to change things I might get killed as I protest

SO I have to tell myself ALL the time to live life for today, take risks and have fun and damn, it's hard. why?

PS don't worry, we're not doomed really. honest!


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