life is beautiful

Thursday, November 30, 2006

le vent dans les boulex (?)

excitement's a funny thing, isn't it? it's so cool how just weather can make you excited! I was on Princes Street earlier, it's all christmassed up, and the general atmosphere is all expectant and, despite massive capitalism going on, sort of gentle. the lights are so pretty and the markets are cool and rustic looking and the ice rink is pretty nice to have around too, and the wind was SO fun! It almost blows you over! all big gusts and whirls trying to carry you up off the pavement and snatch hats and bags and makes you want to be a bird and jump around a lot.
and over in the university area there's this bit where you come out from behind one building and it just suddenly GRABS you and I always forget and get surprised by it and it makes me laugh. hah!
well, plans for tonight are massive room overhall. I'm going to sort out EVERYTHING (yeah right..) and it'll be all tidy and sorted ready for revision. woo.
Though i'm going to the library first, and to see someone 'cause I haven't actually spoken to anyone today so I probably should.
OH! AND! I climbed a hill sideways today and yesterday! it's sort of climbing anyway, it's like not-quite-really vertical and grassy and muddy, but there's a sloping stone path you can take or you can just go up and I got up at 8.30 this morning and just thought "I know.. I'll climb a hill". and it nearly killed me but was also great!
I want to go again tomorrow morning but i'm catching a train at 7.20 and if I go it would have to be at around 5am.. perfect time for all those lone rapists who wait on hills to abduct impressionable young climbing girls, so I don't think I will. but I shall in the future, i'm sure. sitting on the hill in the grass and stuff was also cool and made me feel like a rabbit for some reason.
it's still not a patch on home (or whatever) but grassyness is cool! :)

NB: yep, my imaginary regular readers will notice I got rid of a few old blogs there. not for any particular reason, I just felt like it, which is reason enough for me. absolutely nothing is meant to be read into it. I'm fed up of things being read into things. like that last sentence, for example. is there anything to be read into that?
who cares?


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