life is beautiful

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

just when you thought it was safe to forget about the 'closet'

Once upon a time there was a princess. She had never been locked up in a castle and she didn’t have an ugly step mother. Her step father hadn’t been much fun, but that was beside the point.
Now, she wasn’t a beautiful princess, just an ordinary lass, perhaps with a few more curves than needed, without a ship-launching smile or even good teeth. She wasn’t endowed with talents of making small woodland creatures sing songs with her or make well crafted ball gowns out of fluff, though she was a mean pizza maker, and had an A at maths AS level, but she’d never really thought of those as man-attracting qualities. Yet one day for no particular reason she began to catch the attention of some of the princes of the land.
She had seen other princesses, both friends and acquaintances, who turned on the charm when the princes turned up. They were prepared to sit on laps, laugh riotously at silly jokes, smile, bat eyelids, wear their ball gowns short at the leg and low at the top, and these techniques often worked, but this princess didn’t really think she’d employed such techniques. It could almost be said that she avoided them purposefully (though perhaps she was mistaken there?), and these other princesses did have their followers, and this was understandable, however this princess didn’t really think she made much of an effort in such areas but occasionally ended up with similar results.
These such events began to make her paranoid. She was afraid to be nice to any princes in case they misunderstood her friendliness.
The paranoia developed. the princess began to find it hard to tell if princes were being friendly or expecting more. She realised that the paranoia was over the top, but didn’t know what to do about it. She knew that it was most probably bigoted to think the princes liked her, and wished she didn’t believe it, but was afraid to risk not believing so. She knew that she was naïve and knew little of the world’s perils, and such things that surprised her were normal for many. She knew that to certain friends her paranoia was probably boring, and that it could make her insensitive, snappy or unpredictable sometimes, and she wished it didn’t. But there it was, it was true.
Eventually the princess decided that the easiest option was to lock herself away in her own fortress (not a tall tall tower due to the obvious symbolism connected to such buildings), hoping that no princes would follow her there. She understood that there were princes who could be trusted, but thought that perhaps if she were to get rid of those others that couldn’t it might mean pushing away those that could too. Again, she wished it was not true, but feared it had to be so.
But she could hope to be rescued by her own brave princess, she supposed. She resolved to start learning to be attracted to girls for real, and to wear big T-shirts and baggy trousers if ever she went out in public again.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

space monkeys are attacking!

you thought you'd got rid of me didn't you? it looked like I'd decided not to blog for a few days, but you were wrong, you mad fools.
actually, this is a great way to stop people reading, because I'm sure I write so much, and so much rubbish at that, that no one bothers reading it anymore. so hooray for my ingenuity.
well I wish I could write fun and cool blogs like charl, or happy and nice ones like janie, or interesting and well written ones like ralph, or rather pretentiously clever ones like ezra, or rare yet nice ones like beth, or intelligent and witty ones like kath, but I just can't. so I make up for it in quantity, which of course makes sense...

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

just thought you'd like to know that

plus my gapyear plan - to give the people who sort out relationships a good slap around the face, quite probably with some kind of moist piscine creature, is reinforced every second. somebody sure fwked up bad there.
er.. yeah. I think I'll post this before I forget, seeing as I started it a good few hours ago. but I shan't go before saying, people think women have no power. we do, we have all the power in the world. it's SO fun! heheheheh
though I think I want to cry
PLUS reminder to self: review HHGTG in time. and monkey island.. ahh happy times ;)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Maybe it's a time of innocence, or maybe it's the time of year..

Arr, the sun be fine, the clouds be few and here I be, indoors on the computer. I’m not too sure why I persist in blogging so regularly, while everyone else has less need to tell everything about their lives, and probably have more to tell because they’re not on the computer all the time. I refuse to repent though. And I am about to go and cycle into town, do some swimming then carry out some ex boyfriend bothering (not my own, might I add). So that’s something, eh?
This instance of a blog is just to give some recognition to yesterday, which was a fwkin’ marvellous day, interestingly enough. Nothing specifically exciting happened, it just turned out to be a string of nice nicenesses which left one with a nice warm feeling inside. (though once more that may be down to wake up pills, sadly)
The first bit was nothing special, I had a maths exam in the afternoon so dutifully spent the morning working and, by way of obligation, feeling a little stressed. One must feel stressed about exams, no? or else the poor examining boards’ time would be wasted.
The exam came and went,and now it’s gone, which is the important part. I believe it was an exam in which I carried out more silent swearing than ever before, so there’s an interesting fact for you.
After that – feeling post M3 I’ll never have to do it again happiness – I spent a while watching Ralph fuelling his Diablo addiction which, might I add, was rather impressive ;) (or, to use litotes appropriately, not unimpressive)
Then as I walked out of school Mr evans was on duty and saluted me as I walked by, which left me giggling in a disgustingly girly fasion.
For aforementioned reasons, and a few others mainly connected with the weather, I was left giggling to myself and singing Jolene all the way home on the bus, which was great and left me in a giggled-out but happy-feeling mood.
I then got home and proceded to try to kill myself by going straight out for a bike ride without drinking anything, and, mainly due to those dear energy pills, tried to tackle hills with more energy than I actually possessed. But I survived to tell the tale and returned home for a bath before Mpyt.
It just so happened that Edward couldn’t come to mpyt, him having a London trip in the morning and having to be up by the early time of 7 am!! /gasps at the cruelty/ Soo.. I was given an excuse to stay at the lovely ellen and harry’s house, something I had been waiting for for a while.
Mpyt was an absolutely great one, taken by Andrew Sterry, the Autumn show director and ex-mpyter himself, who has a good if cruel sense of humour. We played loads of fab Ms Ellis – style games – including the numbers one where I got to number 1! And, more impressively, rannon, kris, ellen and trev got to numbers 2-5 from the very end. I salute their skills.
We also had a few goes at keepy-uppy, which is not my cup of tea really, and we wouldn’t be chosen for the international championships this year anyway.
We also had to be blindfolded and guided around the room by a partner, and I ended up being guided right into someone by new-rory guy.
But the REAL rory was there too, with his (albeit bumfluff, yet somehow quite cool) new beard. And it was he who I was teamed with for the next set of things, which was dead cool, though quite hard as he is rather a good actor, even – or maybe especially – under certain influences. These exercises involved real acting, and were short four line sketches, and watching everyone else’s ideas was great.
A perfectness was missing, however, as Joshuaro failed to make an appearance, for which I am rather cross at him. But it was still cool all round, say I.
And finally to sleep in ‘my room’ in the Jordan/fraser household, which is kind of like another of my homes. Though sleep is not the word, due to recent wakeup pill consumption I only got to sleep at midnight – carefully avoiding turning into a pumpkin, and was woken by the train at 6 to see the hills all consumed by mists.
I slept for another half an hour, dreaming of stoned people going for walks in misty hills, lots of people sleeping at Joe’s house and other things I shall not mention.
Then I got the train ‘home’ to school. It was like the old days..

Just a quick note: after reading ralph’s blog, and subsequent comments, it has emerged that I have the oldest still active blog. How cool am i? (finger click). I’d always thought of myself as an inexperienced or novice blogger. Though of course quality doesn’t always come with time. Yet still, ‘tis an interesting fact, forsooth.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Yes, it's been confirmed

I am now officially as odd as a squirrel on LSD (and there are a lot of them around at the moment - that new batch in from the continent)

Saturday, June 04, 2005



today is a sad day for coolness :(

Friday, June 03, 2005

c'est la vie - and it's fab

I'm on my old computer - from my old house (which my mum ran off with) and it's all nostalgic and sweet. it has my documents on it and my music and my pictures and it's all set up like I set it up. Cor there was life before February..
though I don't miss it. having a real life is soo cool. I was looking at photos of my old room the other day and I thought 'wow- I had all that space, all that freedom, I could put stuff where I wanted and it wasn't the floor...' but then I remembered I couldn't. It was still someone else's house. At least now no one pretends it's normal.
I'm sure everyone needed to know that. ;)
Aye, I now be in brecon, forsooth. the end of half term be nigh already and I Much revision still looms.
i's been a fanastic half term, I must say for me pendine was the true Highlight. Irish Meadow rules. as to lesbia n values challenging students (well nothing more than showing that boys can be cool. and intelignet. no threats/competition posed to dear bethy, obviously. hehe )
anyway I want to write something interesting. something with some substance, pour une changement, donc..
OK Nestle it'll be. I have many topics lined up but I forget them, dammit
Nestle is rubbish. they're a multinational company so are damn stupid to begin with - it's generally best to buy local/small companies because then the money goes to real people rather than just more money for ritch directors that do nothing. buying from small companies means that peope like you get paid rather than people like richard branson (he doesn't deserve capitals).
SO why nestle in particular? Well here goes the story [as far as I understand it]:
in underdeveloped countries such as African ones [aargh middle class lass not knowing enough of her geography and current affairs - DEEPLY embarassed]
anyway in these kind of places they targeted mothers with their dried milk. they sold the milk to mothers of babies who were still on milk, but the water there is 'manky' (to use the technical term) and the babies would get ill. but does nestle give a damn?
do they hell.
PLUS the mothers can't afford to keep buying the dried milk, they are unable to continue breastfeeding their babies because they have been using the dried milk, and the babies get worse. and all so Nestle cn have more money.
if you boycott them, it's a message saying NESTLE SMELL. they get the picture eventually. anyway green and blacks is SO much nicer, as is CO-Op own brand fair trade chocolate, and many many other things. and you can eat it with a clear conscience wich makes it even better.
I have a feeling that there's something else wrong with nestle too, they probably use child labour and pay reallly badly.. but I can't remember the exact details.
anyway. I repeat, nestle are pants. don't buy their stuff. or coke. or Mc Donalds. or multinational companies' products if possible [hehe but be cool - don't be too stressed about it as I'm sure you all would be if I didn't say that, as everyone does exactly as I say..]
erm... yeah. am I bossy enough for you?

donnez-moi de quoi tenir, je ne veux pas dormir, laissez moi pour voir venir le jour.