life is beautiful

Saturday, April 30, 2005

adam price rules!

%20src=" Liberal Democrat 47UKIP -9 Green 57 Plaid Cymru 68

You should vote: Plaid Cymru

Plaid Cymru is a left of centre party which supports higher marginal rates of taxation, the replacement of council tax by local income tax, increases to the minimum wage and higher pension rates. They are pro both the EU constitution and the Euro, support the ban on smoking in public places, consider hitting CO2 reduction targets to be very important and oppose top-up tuition fees. They took a very strong stance against the war in Iraq.

Take the test at Should You Vote For

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

it's not our fault, we're just irresistable

well... yeah. nuff said on that account I think. I've been reading people's daily-life type blogs, and I'm in the mood for writing in that style. I felt like writing one in a somrset accent-style earlier, because I had lots of brilliant energy due to drugs (hooray!). well... herbs containing caffeine. and I might get moaned at for trying them, but if you can do stupid things to your body by taking horrible chemicals for a buzz, why not just 'wake up' pills bought from 'Iechyd Da' for £4.95? there is a greatly amount of inconsistency in the world, and it is my challenge to iron it all out (hehe yeah right) aargh though, I do believe I am suffering side effects, I was trying to type "stupid things to your body" and instead wrote "stupid names for.." before realising. though that's probably not got anything to do with outside influences but more to do with general brain malfunction that is getting commoner these days. but having energy when I came home from school was SO NICE! I was talking to people on the bus in a relaxed way, I didn't feel like just collapsing in a heap when I got home. I was laughing to myself! how great is that? [I also started talking to myself - primarily in a somerset accent, but you can't win 'em all can you?] tee hee. anyway, daily life. I'm thinking of being daring and going in to school in non uniform tomorrow 'cause I'm helping with the drama pracs and I think I deserve it. I do love drama. it's a dangerous thing, as I have really loads of work to do: French c/w, French aural preparation for the 12t, four WHOLE uncompleted maths M3 exercises, English language revision, English literature essay (yeah, dream on, Mr Evans)... and what did I spend the last lesson in school today doing? going down town to buy batteries for Ms Mitchell for the pracs tomorrow. I LOVE being busy with such pointless things, but sitting at a desk writing out formulas or essays doesn't 'do it' in the same way for me. so what the hell am I doing NOT applying for drama at uni? and why will I be replying to a firm conditional offer at Edinburgh tomorrow? god knows. or probably doesn't. ugh. there are these paths waiting for me and whichever I chose will cut off the ones I don't forever. why not take drama? ..maybe Glasgow... maybe re-application.. well, I can reply to dear Edinburgh anyway, then break their hearts and try somewhere else next year. (apologies for elisions, this keyboard "sux") more daily life things: I have still not been to assembly this year now. I did try on Monday, but god seemed to be against me there too because as I got there everyone was leaving. damn it, and I so wanted to hear mr Pugh’s ... exciting comments. ahh well.. next time maybe. if I'm lucky and don't accidentally go down town or hide in room () [letter omitted for security reasons (hehe)]. and mpyt was kinda cool (argh, this elision thing is getting to me). we mostly did African-style singing, which was cool, and I managed to sort of stay with the alto part despite being occasionally being surrounded by sops. singing is fun when you don't give a damn about how out of tune you are. and I’ve realised something else, but I'm not going to say what. so hah! erm... ohh just forgotten something ELSE I was going to say... it had something to do with being energetic... happy... hmmm. ahh well. ohhh and talking to the really lovely Ella was cool too! pretty much as 'scrummy' as the REAL Belgian chocolate. mmmm... so me dearies, I be goin' now to brush moi teeth and sleep... damn, the somrset accent doesn't translate well into the written word without the use of the IPA, which is just too damn time consuming. I must stop these prolonged endings. they just drag out the pain. tee hee. ahhh I'm happy. wow. oh yeah, and right back at you, kath: you rule too. in fact you may rule more than me. I may even have to challenge you to a duel so that we can decide who rules the most ^_^ hehe merry christmas to all and to all a good night xxx

Thursday, April 21, 2005


well I'm feelin fwkin' awesome (yes, indeed, like a hotdog). probly to do with the fact that
1) I have been being 18 a bit more than usual. hooray! my favourite!
2) I have been doing lots of exercise
3) I have eaten faaaaar too much and don't care.

hooray again! I do love the age of 18. all my life I waited for that birthday moment when you wake up on your birthday and find out you're something else, (yes like a wizard or something *yawn* harry potter comparison grudgingly made. how I hate that series...) and here it is! 18 and I've got it. ok so i'm not a witch (or at least am not telling about that bit) but since 18 my life has got soo utterly groovy. this little so called wobble in the last few months has been a little naff at times, and continues to be stupid, but the benefits are
1) I live at charl's house! how cool am I?
2) I have been instructed in the total uselessness of men.
I think, though that I shall refine my utter distain for men of a certain age, probably over 40. though don't worry guys, many of you younger things induce a certain amount of dissappointment and yawns (though not really anyone who'd read this, I gather, or think)
erm... charl just lost my concentration. h I had something interesting to say, dammit.
oh yeah:anyone who wants to help me and danny and janie to start our new g ay and lesb ian lunchtime club, applications welcome. we plan many interesting and varied activities and are open minded to those who are unure of their sexuality, are in opposite-s ex relationships and those who are g ay/lesb ian only part time. we love you all anyway. so for fun and er... well other things that you could find out if you helped us get the club going, join up!
(tee hee)
anyway better be off and read letters reinforcing the absolute stupidity and groan-worthiness of the older man. *sigh*
go forth and be 18. even if it's an honourary 18.
and see y'all at sweet ezralink's on friday I hope.
bunny-style love (iww that sounds 'gross' say I) to all and every one of you

Saturday, April 16, 2005

La orignaux et le saindoux

once there was a little moose
his legs were very very loose
he found walking very hard
so he ate a lot of lard(
but when he found some it was marred
by the evil staphanie)
the moose looked both far and wide
long and tall and side to side
but the lard it still would hide
till he tried some extacy
then his life was much transformed
he found that lard, for which he'd stormed
(Its fattiness so newly formed)
no longer made him happy.

well I hope you've all learned from this allegorical parable and fully comprehend its deep metaphorical and meaningful undertones.

some of you may believe that there was once more to this blog than this highly skilled and great poem.
just put it down to a common lapse in short-term memory.

thanks to y'all for existing xxxx

Saturday, April 09, 2005

THE SPACE-RACE JOKE!Youre just downright silly, but thats exactly what
everyone loves about you.

Which Eddie Izzard Joke Are You?
brought to you by