life is beautiful

Thursday, December 30, 2004

damn it! it's 12.15 and I was going to go to bed at 11.30, oh well this'll have to be a quick one then. also: why does everyone else seem to have better things to do than update their bloggers? deary me people, don't get a life!
Anyway, what I really want to talk about is thimbles.
not really it's people, for a change.
I've been thinking and observing and have noticed many things, but one thing that has struck me is how people seem to make judgements without considering all the facts. I probably do it too, I'm not condemning as such, but it's so often that someone says something nasty about someone else because of one action, and it's totally possible that there was a completely valid and serious reason for what they did.
that's not very clear is it?
The best example is Ms Richards (for those who aren't pantycelyners- she's a maths teacher and owns a cat sanctuart thing ) she's always slagging people off to us, I can't think of any good examples now though, but, say something like "people who want to see me just come walking all over my land and think it's ok because it's a charity..." but the thing is they're probably just looking for the door or something, and haven't even considered the fact that it's a cat sanctuary.
again not too good an example, but I can't think of a better right now.
ANywy, the point that I am leading to is this: you can interpret things in many ways, and usually people have very good or at least human reasons for what they do, it depends from which angle you view them. some people appear very annoying, but given the chance they turn out to be quite nice, or at least bearable, and again more often than not have good reasons - usually to do with unhappy childhoods (another excuse for charl & Danny's list).
I'll cut the speculation short here and just finish with the comment that we shoukld always try to find the angle on people that gives them the best 'look', it's amasing how we rely on first impressions to start the picture we have of someone in our heads, perhaps we should keep turning them round in our minds till we find the right angle and start to like them.
this sounds quite richeous doesn't it - and it is, most likely, wrong as well, especially since it's probably good for yoy to have a few people to dislike. but still, it's important to view people from every angle, or at least give them a chance because they often come out better that way.
now watch as I ignore my own preachings. well, it's still fun to preach, what with that great feeling of power, like what you're saying actually matters!
enjoy life, anyway, and find ways of laughing at everything, it's better than crying or worrying about them anyway.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I have just been called a person who is very honest. honest with myself more than with other people.
this is very interesting and prompted a proper philosophical discussion about reality and truth. over making pizza and christmas cake decorating, which was fun.
we discussed whether there is a true reality that we live in or whether reality is only in our heads and there is no one single truth for everyone. the point was, do those who decieve themselves really know that they are decieving themselves or are they oblivious. I can't believe that they don't have some tiny voice, maybe only on the edge of hearing, that tells them that they are not right, which means that really there must be a single true reality that seeps through. or maybe I am decieving myself into believing that people are more aware and good than they really are, in which case, do I know deep down that that isn't true? In my reality (which is the one that I have created and believe in) is everyone true to themselves really, because I am and can't believe that anyone wouldn't be like me? so, is this truth? because take...erm... an exemplary (meaning example, as opposed to good)person , let's call them erm... Rob just as an example... who believes that he is always right, and although he is an utter hypocryt (sp?) can't ever see that, because he really really believes that he is right. is it because he actually, so deep down that you could never reach it and bring it into the light of day, knows that he is wrong, that he is unhappy? or maybe he believes that he is right and true to himself... and so in his reality he is. I try to be true to myself because I feel guilty enough about life as it is without pretending things. Yet I am not always happy. so... does this mean that we must decieve ourselves a bit in order to fasion a happy world for ourselves? am I better off than 'Rob' because I have a reality closer to the shared percieved reality that might be seen as the 'true' reality or not at all? if you decieved yourself enough that you were happy, would that be ok? as long as you didn't hurt others maybe... or maybe it shows that life cannot always be happy. It is pretty groovy to be alive anyway (though that's just my oppinion and so is true in my reality but may not be in someone else's - say a possible suicide -'s reality)
hope that gives you some nice light thinking for when you're off to bed! especially if any of it makes any sense in any of your realities, because it does in mine.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

(following on from the previous post)
...but an interesting one. Particularly non-formal education which is generally far far more interesting and useful and doesn't result in a lot of messy exams...
It's amasing the amount of things you can learn from other people, and particualarly how much you can learn about your self...
anyway this is breif... I am off to join Mr. Chaucer in my room... how excting

Thursday, December 09, 2004

*sigh* education is a trying business. in so so many ways.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

well me deeries, hello and welcome to the show. today we will be discussing formal education and all that that entails. in the studio today,we have a sound cinema with biiig screen - we have a digital projector and star wars 1 is playing. it's annoyingly american.
but I digress
at the beginning of the year I really buckled down and started doing work. I always did my homework and really felt like getting something done.
then came damn mpyt and tech week and stuff and I found out that there was more to life than school and funness and friends were totally brilliant and happy making entities.
and other ...interesting things followed
and now I may be making descisions that I will regret for the rest of my life because i'm thinking only of now. what if in a few years time I reallly wished I'd tried properly to get into cambridge. because now I don't particulrly want to so I'm not trying. so silly and childish.
damn it, I can't ever write loads in these any more. well I am being distractd I suppose.
oh it's so lovely when people are nice.
I had a driving lesson today. it was pretty awful and very scary. that large object that can kill so easily is totally under your control. and it doesn't help when your instructor says things like 'can I open my eyes now'. 'twill be an interesting social experiment to see how he works out with ben
talking about ben, he's just asked me who I'm chatting to on the phone all the time. hehe. it's kind of fun having secrets from the family.
wow. I've been chatting to loverly people and it's fun. and now we have 100 hours internet a month at mum's which "rocks greatly". plus a car that I can drive existing in both aber and cynghordy... my material wants seem to be being fulfilled.
except I'm using my mobile too much and so will probably get cancer. damn it.
well I've been writing this for about 2 hours and don't seem to be getting any further so I'll leave it here for now.
have a lovely sleep wherever you are and whatever time it is and keep smiling my hearts!