life is beautiful

Saturday, February 28, 2004

I keep having this idea to keep a diary, but about something only loosely connected with my real life, mainly because I don't really think that writing about my real life would be much fun but also because making up a whole new life wuold be. I really hope I get around to it one day, thruogh all the home work. I'm so busy with english literature at the moment I barely have time to read. I could start the last 'his dark materials' book tomorrow night. I just don't know if it's the right thing to do. I promised myself I'd read at least one book between the last one and the next one, but I haven't but if I don't start oit now when will I? oh isn't life hard!! (i'm not being serious by the way I am soooo lucky that these books exist and I can read them and everything. yet again i express my utter amazement at the wonderfull things in this world. how lucky we are (most of us)). yes even those who have hard descisions to make are lucky... lucky to have the choice.
I just got one of those chain-friendship letters from natalie, one line of which was "you are one person to the whole world but may be the whole world to one person" yes it's corny and cliched and I've heard it before but I still sort of like it. It's interesting how love, or the lack of it ocupies many people's minds for much of the time (well Ok perhaps the word 'love' should actually be replaced by a different but much associated word), when it 1/3 of the population of the earth is starving? I'm not giving judgement though. just noticing.
I got a new Yann tiersen CD this weekend, it's the soundtrack to 'goodbye lenin' which I haven't seen yet but want to. anyway, it has photos of him in. he looks very stressed and smokes, and is young (20s). it's cool to see photos though it doesn't really matter, but I've allways wondered what he was like (age wise mostly) since he is able to create such utterly totally and compltetly wonderful music... sigh
eek. and since that one rain day off from school when I started listening to simon and garfunkel concert in central park i've become completely hooked. the CD of concert in central park was a really wobbly copy so i've ordered my own and thrown the copy on top of ben's wardrobe so i won't listen to it too much, but i've just discovered that the CDs (from amazon) won't come till the 9th of march! and then I won't get them till much later... two weeks from now minimum. oh dear how will I survive.
I think the 60s must have been such an amasing time to be alive, everything seemed to be so new then.. like the media (well TV and radio) was sort of learning things and that's what takes the real effort and makes the amasing work. like things from the 60s, Monty python, the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy amongst others (OK well the 60s onwards) as well as the music and stuff (heh heh) was all pushing the limits. now everything is too easy and we are still on the brink of nuclear war (always will be untill it happens i suppose) but nothing seems new. mabe this is just a bored young person's view of the world, but everything has been done in the ordinary media by now (not media as in news, but as in books, films, art etc.) and everything new is scietific. though i'm probably just naive and unimaginitive.
well you've been a great audience, thankyou for listening and goodnight!
just step out the back, jack
get a new plan, stan
don't need a decoy, roy
just listen to me.
just hop on the bus, gus
don't need to discuss much
just drop of the key, lee
and get yourself free

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

yay. life seems to be grand. pretty much. I have a cold and and over tired but that's ok. and, after winning the school eisteddfor english competition i seem to be able to write things again!! though it could also be the effect of 'Northen Lights' and 'the subtle knife'. I don't know hoe deeply it's possible to fall in love with a book but...'swoon'. or two books really. and still the third one to read... all 500+ pages of it. heaven.
What I can't get over is how there are so many wonderful things in the world. all those things that keep you alive and are just so great. here's my list (correct at moment of publishing):
eddie izzard
Yann tiersen
Terry Pratchett books
His Dark Materials
Simon and Garfunkel
lots of other brilliant things mixed together
and of course all my friends etc. and school-sort of life sometimes.
how lucky we all are that these things can exist. I just can't believe it sometimes, especially when people get so stupid and say that life isn't worth living (I don't really mean depressed people I mean stupid teenagers who think they're everything). but then I've probably not got into a depression deep enough that one of those marvelous things can't get me out.
Davy's just offered to 'get with me' at charlotte's party (tomorrow at Danny's house, all 'nice people' invited but no psychopaths or serial killers, sorry) for a small fee, of course how sweet.
sorry about that brief interlude where was I... I think i'd sort of finished actually. life is good and we should learn to apreciate it properly. and each other of course. I've always wanted to live life to the full but am too nervous and believe that I'm happy the way I am. How naive and ignorant I am.
Goodnight and wish us a happy party tomorrow!

briought to you by brighton films
courtesy of the bya rading co. and oxfam
donkeys - 'phil' and 'buster'
a ferdinand garinzia film