life is beautiful

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Someone wrote on one of the ribbons for our democracy maypole that we had on the castle on May the 1st (which had to be democratically held up by volunteer anarchist clowns) said "only when we are no longer afraid can we really live", though this was amongst other pearls of wisdom as "wake up!" and "bill is a lovely hippy"
Anyway, I decided today that if I died tomorrow, I'd be proud of of this weekend, and as Pagan Bill nearly said, we here can tell our children and our grand children that we were there for the first ever social forum cymru, and that we made it happen.
Plus, despite that dizzying emptyness and sinking loneliness that follows intense activity and constant contact with others, I feel real again and happy... and all that other aftermath following-feeling is just part of it all... can't have one without the other and all that crap.
anyway, here is my recipe for our social forum, as imperfectly fab as it was..
you need:
1. a general need for peace, justice and sustainability throughout the world
2. a large bunch of fucking hippies willing to turn up
3. aberystwyth, in all its glory
4. the great mr pryderi and his Morlan Hall, centre of the world
5. gorgeous but often annoying Matt and his untiring yet occasionally uncomprehensible activism
6. those officials who always turn up and just talk, like Bruce Kent, Jill Evans and so on..
7. Pinc Tanc and their brilliant vagina monologues, especially Danielle's onstage orgasm
8. Moazzam Begg, ex-Guantanamo bay prizoner and his stunning attitude
9. Milan Rai (of whom I saw nought and know less)
10. Aber is Green arty recycling centre
11. The sea
12. Bill's mad maypole
13. beltaine fest
14. Y cwps pub
15. Merched y wawr and jono's printing seshes
16. The gorgeous soup and rolls made by that guy whose name I don't remember
17. all the seminars, talks, films, workshops and stuff like that
18. the newly opened aber squat, Palas Y Bob(l)
19. the clowns
20. the samba band
21. the black square
and, very importantly
22. The lovely and bright Helga from Denmark
23. Kelvin and his amazing sense of humour
24. Lotte and her niceness and organisation

even better, minus:
- people putting up posters in connection with SFC supposedly advertising drug abuse
- certain individuals getting in a huff and imagining seminars
- certain indiviuals with leather trousers and yellow sombrero and lots of alcohol constantly inside them (particularly when they actually physically attack others... this is a fucking social forum for PEACE)
- er..
- that's it

it was a great weekend, and people earned it.
though fuck knows if we'll get any further