life is beautiful

Sunday, August 29, 2004

well howdy! (as they say)
I have started to blog many times recently but have got bored or something and given up. Now I am resolved to finish, though I have just disconnected from the internet, and whether I can be bothered to re connect is another matter.
Well, It's nearly the end of the summer holidays here in carmarthenshire-land, and folks, what a summer it has been! but currently my dilemma is whether to take French next year instead of drrama. Though it's not much of a dilemma because I've already decided, and all I have to do is to tell everyone else and see if they try to talk me out of it. The worst bit is I was trying to persuade Sam not to drop drama because I'd be all on my own with misty, Megan and Aled if ever Danny didn't turn up (they're perfectly ice people of course, it's just... I'm not too good at being like them), and now I'm leaving Sam. oh dear. But then again I think that actually learning some French (even if it does drive me a teensy bit mad with boredom in the process) will be more beneficial than playing dingbats for many many lessons. And, of course this decision has nothing to do with the fact that I got all As in my French exams and a D in one of my dramas (well. to tell the truth it has little to do with that, except that it made me start thinking more. I was prepared to do drama despite that horrific letter (though I must say I am rather proud of it) [Plus, this is not any sort of sleight on anyone who gets Ds, it's a great grade, just unusual for me, hence my pride]
Anyway, I think I'll stop talking about myself and continue with slightly more profound thoughts at: .
Maybe. (This may just be an attempt to appear intelligent after this summer's 'startling' revelation of how stupid I really am (nothing to do with results)). Smile everyone, it's good for you and makes you happy. Look at the sky, isn't it big? Look at the grass, isn't it green? Look at yourself, you're alive aren't you? do you need a reason to smile?