life is beautiful

Friday, June 27, 2003

i just wrote a really long post, and lost it. i don't have time to do it again because we're off to ireland. dammmmmmnnnn i hate it when i lose things. grrrrrr. oh well back in a week

Friday, June 20, 2003

hummmmmmmmm this whole links thing doesn't seem to be working

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Dragons… I had a dream once as I was falling asleep to radio three.. it had really nice sort of spooky music in it.. and there were these small purple dragons in our field, like baby lambs in the dew on the grass, and I just saw the word ‘dragons and remembered it. (mental note… add dragons to ‘ffion’ if I ever get any further) heh..,

So, yes I think I will paint a picture:

A gentle woodland scene with green light cascading through leaves, high on the poley trees. Straggly grass and broken branches in patterns on the ground echoing the patterns from the shade of the leaves. With the gentle breathing of dragons in the distance, like an exhalation from the earth itself and the light steam from their bodies rising slowly through the trees, while the young ones cry out to on another running happily through the slowly-dusking forest, weak necks bending with each leap. Wings too small to lift them they scamper between trees with happy puffs of smoke and bitten tails…

Humm. Oh dear, what am I thinking…

Friday, June 06, 2003

there have been lots of things i've meant to say but have too much to do to say them (it's always the way isn;t it)
we had a PI round our house the other day. i'm not sure why and will not say what i think for random legal reasons, and there was also a person who shot himself in nearby village llangadog... not long ago there was another shooting ther. a nearby [unnamed] family is living out a soap opera and not only do we have our phone tapped and emails read, we had a man from special branch round the other day.well several weeks ago now but still.. he did come to see us aswell, not looking for directions, but then our life is full of these wonderfully random particles of excitement.
exams should always be time for a good laugh. i think in nearly every GCSE exam i've had so far i've found something to laugh at. in RE it was remembering an Eddie Izzard stand up joke bit about God, Jesus , the holy ghost and scooby doo: something along the lines of god saying to Jesus: the holy ghost's gone weird, wearing a sheet over his heas. holy ghost: woooo holy host holy ghost! etc. then: i would have succeded if it wern't for those pesky god and jesus fellas. (it is actually funny, just doesn't work on screen). tech it was my stupidly bad answers. but the best was english with my description of a milk bottle: "icy and slippery as a fish" nice eh? you can just see the nobel prize for literature heading my way in the not too distant future can't you. that't the troub;e. i know i've probably written the best thing i will ever do, so i feel a bit lost with writing at the mo. that;s the problem with people and high expectations. i think i will have to stop writing publically so that people won't expect stuff to get better. thogh i have got a really nice story lined up, about an old man, a young girl and a car acciden. and some others too. they will never get off the ground though, not while low self esteem and self doubt are rife!!
life is such fun (i do actually mean that, but i'm not sure why)
this is moonbright.blogspot
it's past midnight
it's goodnight from kevin
goodnight from fred
and it;s goodnight frome me: goonight!